Chapter 14

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**emmas POV**

Today was a Saturday so luckily I didn't have to get up go school. I got up and looked at void who was still asleep. Slowly I got up, making sure to be very quit so I didn't wake him up.
I walked down to the kitchen I grabbed myself a cup of water and started making some pancakes. As I sat to eat them I felt hands snake around my waste and I felt void place a kiss onto my cheek. 'Morning beautiful' he says to me as he sits down beside me.

'You want one?' I ask handing him some food. He nods and starts to eat it. As I got up to wash the plates void stands up and kisses me passionately. I set the plates down and wrapped my arms around his neck brushing my fingers through his messy hair. He lifts me up and places me on the counter. He lifts my shirt when suddenly the front door burst open.

'Emma quick get ready - oh shit sorry' Scott cane barging in seeing me and void like this. Quickly I grab my shirt and put it in. I feel the anger rose within me. Why did he think he can just walk into your house? But i quickly calmed myslef down and remembered we are bestfriends and have the keys to eachothers house.

'Seriously' void mumbles under his breath as he moves away from me and looks at Scott with a scowl but then quickly looks away. I grab his hand to calm him down as I jump of the counter and look at Scott

'Emma in soo sorry I didn't mean to'

'Scott it's fine now why do I need to get ready?' I ask

'Well the pack are going to be at your in 10 minuets for a meeting because all our parents are at home and we don't want them to know what we are doing. So I though got if come early so you could get ready quickly and figure out what to say about him' Scott says shooting at even glance at void. I feel void starting to move to attack Scott but I squeeze his hand.

'I'll be out in a minute' I say and turn to walk to my room to get changed pulling void with me.

As we get into my room I let out a sigh as I start to get changed.

'God he's so annoying' void says pulling a t shirt over his head clearly annoyed that Scott interrupted us

'To be fair he didn't know' I say pulling some shorts up and I go to kiss void 'but we'll continue it later' I whisper in his ear, my lips gently brushing against him. He pulls me into a kiss and slams me onto the wall he starts to place kisses along my jaw when I stop him.

'Void they'll literally be here in 5 minutes and Scott is right outside' I say pushing him away from me

He lets out a groan 'what do I do while your having the pack meeting with them. Should I stay in your room or leave?'

'I actually don't know. Wait here for a minute I'll go talk to Scott' I say placing a kiss on his cheek as I run out to talk to Scott before the pack gets here.

'Scott what should void do when the pack get here?' I ask and he doesn't response for a while 'I know it's awkward for you but you are my bestfriend and I need your help. As soon as we take down Theo I'll get him to leave. You'll never see him again I swear but I need your help now' I say with tears threatening to fall

Scott sighs 'well I think he should be here. But standing far away in the back. If he's going to help I'd take down Theo then he sort of needs to be here' Scott says looking at me in the eyes. I can sense a lot of fear and anxiety radiating off him

'Thank you Scott' I say taking his hand and pulling him into a hug. As we let go he gives me a small smile and I can't help but feel guilty. I never really thought about how hard it would be for him having to work with the person who murdered his first love.

I walk off the go get void 'Scott thinks you should be in the meeting since you are helping us but stand way from the pack' I say

'Ok' he says clearly annoyed that he has to be around them

'Thank you' I say looking into his eyes

'Anything for you' he says and he takes my hands and we walk out. Void stands in the kitchen which is opposite to the living room. Heel be fat enough away from the pack but can still give suggestions as to how we get Theo and he can still see and hear what's going on.

After a few minutes of awkward silence between him and and Scott finally the rest of the pack arrives.

'What is he doing here?' Kira asks grabbing her sword getting ready for attack

'NO Kira he's here to help us bring down Theo. He's not after any of you anymore. Please can we just sit down and discuss plans to get Theo?' I beg and they all reluctantly nod their heads

'But if he makes a move im not afraid to attack' Kira states as she walks past me.

They all sit down and Scott begins talking 'so we need to somehow inject Theo with the kanima venom I say when he next attacks we all run up to him each with some venom and try inject it' Scott suggests and the pack nods in agreement

'It won't work' the dark voice states from behind me

'Excuse me?' Scott asks getting angry

'I said it won't work. He has the oni under his control you won't be able to get to hi' void says still avoiding eye contact with any of the pack members knowing that if he does he'll just get angry.

'We when they where under your control we still got to you' stiles says

Void lest our an evil chuckle 'please you only got to fight me because I wanted you to. If I didn't want you near me trust me you would not have gone near me. The oni are too strong and you are outnumbered'

'Well then what would you suggest seeing as you have the same every twisted mind' Scott says Snarkily

I see void getting angry and I rush over to him to calm him down before he attacks everyone in the room. After he's calm he begins to talk 'well he thinks I'm still on his team. I can get him to where you want and inject him myself'

'You think we are going to trust you with that?' Lydia asks staring at him hatefully

'Well you are going to have to because that's the only way without any of you getting hurt' void says starting to raise his voice

'Wow didn't think you cared if any of us get hurt' Kira says slightly laughing

'I don't' void says darkly now staring into Kiras eyes in a threatening manner

'Calm down' I whisper to him as i gently glide my fingers across his

'This is the only way to do it so let me know when you all come to your senses' void shouts and he storms off out of the house

Suddenly the air was filled with tension and everyone was staring at me. I didn't know what to say. I know that void is telling the truth. But they don't trust him. And I don't blame them.

'Come on guys we have to do it. It's our only chance' I state not daring to look any of them in the eyes as I sense the anger targeted at me

'Well of course you'd say that seeing as your screwing him behind your friends back' mails snips and I suddenly got really angry. I felt the need to cause pain rose up inside me.

'Malia enough. Emma's right. We have to try it his way. It's the only way to get what we want' he says staring at her

The rage was still there and if they didn't leave now I was going to attack them. And I was stronger than everyone in that room combined

'I think it's time for you guys to leave' I say through gritted teeth

'But we still have to much to discuss' malia says

'Just leave now we will talk about it tomorrow' I say turning away trying to control myself

''But Emma-' Scott starts but stipend when the glass I'm holding breaks between my fingers

'NOW' I scream needing them to get out before the rage takes over

They all hurry and leave Scott giving me a worrying glance as he excites my house.

That was close. I need void here to keep it under control.

Forbidden love- void stiles *book 2*Where stories live. Discover now