Chapter Thirteen: Back to Work!

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The familiar smell of oil and metal greeted my nostrils as I opened the door to the recycling shop. "Hello?" I greeted what appeared to be an empty room.

"Hey, Okazaki!" I smiled as the owner appeared from the back room, and I found myself relieved that I apparently hadn't lost my memories of this place. "It's been a while!"

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to be away for so long, but..."

"We never know what life will throw at us," he said with an understanding smile.

"Yeah," I grunted, looking around the fortunately-familiar shop. "Well, I'm back...assuming I still have a job?"

"I'm not the type to kick a man when he's down," he said, clapping me on my good shoulder. "So, you back here to work today?"

"Yes, sir," I replied, nodding vigorously. "My legs have finally strengthened from all that time in the hospital, and I'm ready to get back to my routine, whatever it was."

"Still don't remember what happened, eh?" he asked as he made his way to his work counter.

"Not yet, but I'm hoping that something will jog my memory; a face, a place...anything would help."

"Well," he said, jerking his thumb over at a nearby table, "there's a vacuum cleaner that could use your special care, so get changed and start on it."

I smiled, relieved that at least part of my life would return to normal. "Yes, sir."


"Hey, Okazaki?" I looked to see the boss wiping his hands on a towel. "I've got some pickups to take care of. You think you can handle the shop for a while? I don't want to overdo you on your first day back, but these clients have been waiting."

"Thanks, boss." I sighed heavily. "I should be fine; I can't be second-guessing myself forever."

"True," he chuckled as he grabbed his coat and headed toward the door. "You seem to have remembered everything else just fine, so I think you'll be okay. See you later."

"Later," I said and, as the door closed, I turned back to my 'patient'. "So, Hoover-san...what else seems to be troubling you?"

My investigation was interrupted when I heard the bell to the front door ring. "Just a minute, please; I'll be right with you."

I didn't hear a response, which worried me a little, so I quickly picked up a towel to wipe my hands as I entered the 'showroom'. "Welcome! How may I help-"

"Tomoya!" Kotomi exclaimed with a bright smile; she looked awfully out-of-place in the dirty shop. With her white lab coat and red hair ornaments, she made me think of a beautiful flower in a pile of dung. "Congratulations on your recovery!"

"K-Kotomi?!" I took a halting step. I was already ashamed enough of my position, but for my tutor to be here... "Wh-What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see where you work," she explained as she examined a wall clock before turning to me. "And...I wanted to see you."

"Wait a minute," I said, holding up a hand. "How did you know I was here? I only started again this morning."

She said nothing but tapped the floor with her toe as she blushed lightly.

"Well, whatever," I decided. "So...why are you in your lab coat? Did you come from work or something?"

"I did!" she exclaimed, clapping for some reason. "The other team members suggested that I come here during my lunch to visit you, but...I do not have much time, now."

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