Chapter Ten: Lessons

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Just to be on the safe side I gave it a couple of days before asking Tomoyo about her availability.

"So, when will you be free on Saturday?" I asked as I watched her make breakfast.

The hand she was using to stir slowed. "I...should be free by one-o-clock."

"So should we try to meet with her at about two? Would that be enough time?"

"Tomoya..." she said in that pained voice again.

"What's going on?" I asked, starting to get a little annoyed. "You seem upset or something; did I piss you off?"

"No, it's not that..."

I struggled to my feet, cursing my still-weakened legs, and made my way over to her. "Look, whatever it is, I'd like to help if I can."

Her stirring slowed again, then she lowered the heat and put the spoon on the counter before turning to face me with haunted eyes. "I...I know you would." She reached out and laid a shaky hand against my cheek. "T-Tomoya, the truth is...I...we..."

Before I realized it I had put my hand on her face as well. "Hey, it's okay Tomoyo; I'm here for you."

"I-I know you are," she said, her eyes starting to tear up. "That's why we..."

"'That's why we' what?" I pressed. "Why is it so hard to say? Are we childhood friends, too? That'd be pretty cool!"

"No, it's not that. I just...don't want to influence you unfairly..."

I ducked my head down to get a better look at her downturned face. "What do you mean, 'influence me'?"

She pulled away from me and turned back to the stove. "I-I need to finish making breakfast."

I sighed heavily as I headed back to the kotatsu. Would she ever tell me what was bothering her?


"Ah! Tomoya-kun! Tomoyo-chan! Good afternoon!" Kotomi greeted as she rose from her seat at the café. She looked really pretty in her white dress and white hat.

"Good afternoon," I returned as I shuffled up to her. My legs were getting stronger little by little, but I still had a ways to go. "Thanks for being willing to come all the way out here."

"It is not a problem," she said as Tomoyo quietly took a seat. "I would have been willing to meet you at your house, but..." she glanced over at my silver-haired friend. "...I now understand that that might not look wholesome."

"Cool." I pulled out a chair and fell into it. "So, what are we filling my head with today?"

"?" At least it wasn't as bad as three.

"What are you going to teach me today?" I amended.

"Oh!" She chirped. "I think I understand! When you say 'filling my head' you are referring to learning, are you not?"

Tomoyo and I exchanged a stunned glance. "That...That's right," I managed to say. "Good job, Kotomi-chan!"

"Th-Thank you," she replied, looking up at me from under her eyelashes. "I have been working on my understanding of metaphors and similes, as well as hyperbole."

"I...don't get all that," I admitted, "but if it helped you understand what I was trying to say, then it looks like your work has paid off."

"I am happy to hear that...Tomoya," she said before blushing fiercely.

"Whoa, you okay?" I asked. "Your face is all r-" I cut myself off as it hit me: She called me 'Tomoya' without any honorifics. "N-Never mind," I said, feeling my own face heat up.

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