Chapter Thirty-Two: Looking Up

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My steps felt heavy as I headed for home, not because of any sad feelings but because of how tired I was feeling. It was weird, really; I felt heavy and light at the same time, and I figured that it was because breaking up with Kotomi was hard, but it was also freeing, like a weight had been taken off of my shoulders. And in a sense it had; now she didn't have to worry about me making her uncomfortable, and I didn't have to worry about making her uncomfortable. Hopefully we could go back to being friends again.


I cringed at the familiar voice, and looked up from my musings to see Shiro walking up to me. "Hey," I replied. "What'cha need?"

He looked around before speaking again. "You got a minute?"

"Sure," I sighed. "Sorry, it's kinda been a long day, but...sure."

"Thanks," he said. "Thing is, my kid brother's starting to hang around some rough kids at school, and...well...I don't want him to end up like me."

"Like you?" I asked, puzzled. "What do you mean you don't want him to end up like you?"

He tapped at the ground with his toe. "Well, I don't want him to end up following some jerk-off and beating people up just because he's afraid of being made fun of."

"Or beat up in their place," I suggested.


"Yeah, I can see why you'd be worried," I said, feeling for the kid. "Good for you for wanting to be a good nii-san."


I wracked my brain for an answer. I didn't know why he thought I'd be a reliable source of guidance, but I still wanted to do the best I could for him. "Well...the only thing I could think of is trying to be the kind of guy you want him to be, to...model it for him."

His tapping slowed. "'s kinda scary, though."

"I'll bet; I graduated just last year, so I remember what it was like."

"Did you ever get in fights?"

I internally cringed as I remembered the huge fight that Tomoyo and I got into with a bunch of delinquents from Shiro's school. "Y-Yeah...a couple."

"Did you win?"

"Sort of," I admitted. "I fought alongside Tomoyo when a bunch of kids from...your school...came to fight her."

"Oh," he said in a subdued tone. "I see."

I had a sudden sinking feeling. "You weren't with them, were you?"

"No way!" he nearly shouted. "Tanaka was there, but I told him I wouldn't go when he tried to talk me into it."

I blinked. "See? You can stand up to him when you want to."

"Hey, you're right..." he said, a smile starting to spread across his face. "I guess I can, huh?"

I clapped him on the shoulder. "Sure looks like it." I then had to stifle a yawn. "Hey, I'm sorry, but I'm exhausted; it's been a long day and I need to get home."

"Oh, sorry!" he yelped.

"Don't worry about it. Like I told you before, you can visit me at work and we can talk while I work."


"If you need to talk to someone right now, you could try Pastor Jeff at Glory to God Church," I said, pointing behind me. "He's given me good advice, helped me with my problems."

"I'll...think about it," he said. "I haven't been to a temple in so long, that..."

"He won't mind, if you're worried about that," I offered. "Anyway, it's up to you if you go see him or not."

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