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"So this is Wakanda..." you said as you got off the plane.

"Welcome" a handsome man greeted you.

"This is T'Challa, king of Wakanda" Tony smiled.

"Oh! Your highness" you giggled.

"Yes! your highness i just wanted to go straight to the point and ask you if you know where Steve Rogers is?" Tony asked.

"There is something i need to show you" he replied "walk with me"

You walked behind the two men and looked around mesmerized by the technology and decoration of the place, it was amazing.
T'Challa took Tony to a room where there was some kind of weird cabin or cell.
"Interesting..." you leaned against the wall and peaked in to se T'Challa and Tony talking about something in particular. There was two more individuals in the room but you couldn't see that well.
You sighed and looked at the ceiling until an opening sound made you look back at the room and you saw a man with one arm missing and a confused look on his face. Apparently he had been asleep for a long time and now it was his time to wake up again.
When Tony was finished talking to T'Challa, he approached you.

"He looks interesting" you muttered and chuckled quietly.

"Yeah... he's one of the last choices i have" Tony shrugged.

"I hope he's nice" you smirked and looked up at Tony.

"He's dangerous" Tony answered.

"Why is that?" You asked.

"He killed my mother" Tony mumbled "Steve said he didn't knew what he was doing and that he was being controlled by hydra but that's not gonna get me back my family"

"Woah..." you nodded slowly and tried  to process everything "Well... did he ever apologized?"

"Huh?" Tony furrowed his brows and looked at you.

"Did he ever said he was sorry? I mean if he really regrets it, the least he could do would be to apologize" you shrugged "just sayin'"

"I guess you're right" Tony mumbled and sighed "anyways I'm gonna head out now but you're staying here and i want you to keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't kill anyone"

"Okay... good luck" you chuckled and walked passed Tony.

You sat down and looked around trying to figure out what was going on. Making you babysit someone else may have been one of the worst ideas Tony has ever had, you can barely take care of yourself.
"Y/N, let me show you around" you heard T'Challa say.

"Oh no I'm good" you smiled "i was told to keep an eye on the guy with one arm so i gotta do it"

"That would be very helpful!" He smirked "let me introduce you to him"

"Huh...s-sure" you took a deep breath and walked to back the room.

"Miss Y/N, this is Mr. Barnes" The king of Wakanda said and gave you a quick smile before leaving you with the man with one arm that was still tied and being monitored.

"But wait what do i say? Wait! Your highness!" You whisper yelled as T'Challa left the room and you felt the guy's gaze on you "Huh... hi! I'm Y/N"

The man slowly looked at you and gave you a small smile "I'm Bucky" he said with a tired voice. He was being monitored by a nurse while still being tied to that cell.

"Uh... i was told to give you some company... not that i was forced! I kind of volunteered" you smiled trying to make him feel better "Mind if untie these?".

"Go ahead" he chuckled as he watched you untied him. You took a step back and admired the man, he was wearing  white clothes and looked oddly calm. Not to mention his muscles.
You tooked a deep breath and tried to think of what to do with him, it has been a long time since you've actually socialized with someone "is it okay if i take him out for a walk?" You asked the nurse.

"Is totally fine" he smiled softly and gave you a quick nod.

"So... do you wanna go out and breathe some fresh air?" You asked Bucky and pointed towards the door.

"That would be nice" he smiled and you helped him step off the cell thing.

"Let's go then" you laughed nervously and walked next to him.

After a long and painfully silent walk you get to a door that leads to some sort of garden or terrance.
"This seems nice" Bucky said under his breath.

"So... looks like you've been here for a long time" you awkwardly smiled and sat in front of him on a lounge chair.

"Yes" he replied and sighed "what's this all about?"

"Uh... i..." you stuttered.

"Well, Tony was looking for Steve and all of a sudden everyone's here... looks weird to me" he shrugged.

"You're very right" you let out a nervous laugh "Uhm... there's a lot going on and if I'm being honest, i don't understand half of it"

"That's very helpful" he said and sighed deeply.

"Well i do know some things... there's no need to be so sarcastic" you rolled your eyes and layed back on the chair "there's this titan-person that wants to destroy everything and we're supposed to stop that"

"Wow" he chuckled "It does sound very complicated"

"I know!" You giggled "i thought you'd be different..."

"Hmm?" He looked over at you

"Well... Tony portrayed you as a very mean person" you mumbled.

"Oh... i understand that" he looked down "He may be right"

"You don't seem that bad" you smiled at him "i can assure you that I'm worse"

"Oh yeah?" You nodded "then prove it.

You spent the rest of the afternoon narrating your past incidents and situations that made you worse and you felt pretty comfortable around him. He was a great listener and he had a very beautiful smile that made you feel weird things.
"So yeah... i lost everything" you nodded slowly "my family, my fiancee... none of them wanted to see me anymore. I was just a monster and i don't blame them"

"It's not your fault, Y/N" he said "you never knew what will happen that day"

"I know... but i can't help but to feel guilty for everything I've done" you muttered and looked up "Wow... the night is beautiful"

"It's been a long time since I've enjoyed the beautiful night sky" Bucky smiled.

"Well you better enjoy it as much as you can cause this may be the last time..." you sighed and looked into his eyes.

"I will" he squeezed your hand and looked back up.

It is the end of the world, but you never thought it would feel so peaceful. This man is really something else...

Ready For War [Avengers x Reader/Bucky x Reader x Loki]Where stories live. Discover now