Chapter 3

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Ashton breathed in the scent of warm cream, his body relaxing even further into the bed as he heard the soft angelic voice of the man trying to wake him up. he hummed a little, moving his head back against the mans hand.

He always loved the feeling of fingers running through his hair, it calmed him down and relaxed him. It tool him a few seconds to flutter his eyes open, humming lowly. after a few deep breaths his eyes started to widen, quickly sitting up, immediately getting a little dizzy feeling, his body still recovering from the blood loss.

his eyes widened once he realized he wasn't at home, looking over to see the man that was in the streets "w-where am I...what happened.." he asked quietly, looking around the room. he was beyond confused, he still had his clothes on, meaning he didnt get raped but his neck throbbed a bit.

he brought a hand up to touch it, furrowing his eyebrows a little as he waited for an answer. Michael clicked his tongue, studying the man with a hand on his back between his shoulder blades before placing the full plate of food on his lap.

"Don't worry about it. I'll explain later, but you were upset so I brought you here. I didn't think you would want to go back to whatever boy made you cry last night." His hand moved up, fingers slipping into Ashton's hair again and carding through it in a soothing fashion.

"It's 5 AM, though. You should really get some more sleep." he said in a soft tone. Ashton furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at his lap, shaking his head a little. Strangely he didnt feel like he was in danger or like he couldn't trust the man in front of him.

he bit the inside of his lip, looking back up at Michael slowly he nodded a little, seeing the plate of food being out into his lap "oh..n-no I can't take this...its your food I've already overstayed my welcome" he said in a breath, rushing it out a little before listening to the man, feeling himself relax at the gentle

"thank you..for bringing me here...I should probably text him..tell him I'm done.." he said slowly and lowly, his shoulders dropping along with his attitude. nonetheless he still relaxed at the boys touches, leaning into his hand a bit.

He really didnt want to call or talk or text Luke, the fact that he hasn't been called or gotten a text message only further proving the fact that luke had either gone home with someone or brought someone home with him.

The thought of the man he used to adore and love sleeping with someone in their bed made him sick, it made him want to cry and throw things against the wall.

Michael clicked his tongue again, picking up the fork on the plate and placing it in Ashton's hand, curling the boys fingers around it. "Go on. Eat. You need it, and I don't think right now would be the best time to talk to anyone. Like I said. It's like six in the morning. Whoever this guy is, he can wait."

His other hand was still peacefully running through Ashton's hair, fingertips soothingly massaging the skin at the back of his neck. "Just eat, and don't worry about anything right now. You can stay here as long as you'd like."

He sat next to Ash on the other side of the bed, hand slipping out of his hair and falling to rest on the mattress. Ashton bit his lip and watched the boy, smiling slightly at the small kind gestures. he was hungry he wasn't going to lie but he felt like this was too much.

why would a stranger take him to his home willingly and feed Him and let him sleep in his house? Ashton could've been a murderer and Michael would've never known until he woke up. it just wasn't something you saw, it was very rare to occur but he was beyond greatful that it was happening to him.

he nodded a little as he continued to rest relaxed, his eyes closing for a second as he continued leaning into the boys hand, his body becoming lax again. the mans voice brought him out of his trance, making him smile slightly and nod a little, pouting a bit after the boys hand left his hair.

he hadn't even realized he made that face until he looked down, coughing lightly. "thank you..for being so...kind" he said slowly, trying to pick the right word. he couldn't put his finger on it and he wanted to know why he was so comfortable or why he trusted the boy so much but whatever it was, he was beyond greatful for it.

Finally Michael decided Ashton wasn't going to eat on his own, and so he picked up the fork and fed Ashton a bite and smiled at him. "I hope it's ok." He was timid, eyes dropping to the plate as he licked his lips. "Are you feeling ok?"

He almost felt bad for biting the boy. "You can leave after you eat? If you really insist on it. I'd rather you stay and get some sleep." Ashton furrowed his eyes a little, looking down at the fork before looking Michael, hesitantly but willingly taking the bite.

he chewed and hummed a little "this is...really good" he said, cracking a soft smile before chuckling slightly. he finished chewing, swallowing before he answered "yeah...a little airy and relaxed but I'm okay.." he said slowly, making sure to choose his words carefully.

he listened to the boy, looking down at the plate as he grabbed a piece of the bacon, taking a bite of it as he thought. he didnt really want to leave, he knew he probably should but he didnt really want too.

He didnt want to go back to the house that had hurt in it. he didnt want to go see the boy who broke his heart though, all of his stuff was at the house, his cloths and everything. he'd have to go back at some point. though, maybe he didnt have too just yet.

Michael was still smiling, stabbing another fork full of food and bringing it to Ashton's lips. "You should stay." He glanced at Ashton's face, locking eyes with him before glancing away with bright pink cheeks.

"I. I don't want to say goodbye to you yet, if we're being honest. I don't want you to have to go back to who ever hurt you. I know how painful that can be." His Eyes found their way back to Ashton's, and he really wanted to confess what actually happened last night.

He couldn't, though. The man with the pretty eyes would surely hate him if he knew what Michael actually was.

okay okay y'all don't need to tell me how amazing I am for a DOUBLE UPDATE! I'll except the fact of knowing y'all love me 😍

alright alright I'm kidding but yes I'm double updating because I feel like if there are more then two chapters up maybe more people will take a chance on the book 🤔

Tell me what y'all think, lots of love!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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