Do you ever just think back to the moments in your life, where everything was actually falling into place? Everything was actually starting to get perfect? Everything was in peace, less drama more joy?
Well, things went completely different for April Mendez or as her friends call her, AJ, and Jonathan Good as his friends call him, Dean.
April & Jon were actually having a perfect life together. In fact, they were engaged. It was their wedding day, the day that April & Jon start a new chapter together as husband and wife. It was the happiest day for April, she always wanted to get married to a man who would love and cherish her forever. Dean was feeling very lucky, so damn happy that April will be Mrs. Good. Phil or as his friends call him, Punk, on the other hand, wasn't too happy about it.
Phil & April were once engaged before but when Jon came into April's life, everything started to ho downhill. One night, Phil was waiting for his fiancé to arrive from a hang out with Dean, and Punk wasn't too happy in seeing his future bride hanging out with some phsycho. When midnight struck, April had finally arrived home but she was totally wasted and she collapsed on the couch. In Punk's total disappointment, he let April sleep on the couch. A month passed, April & Phil began to argue. In a blink of an eye, Phil slapped April and that was when things shattered. Their engagement was ruined and it was all Dean's fault, according to Phil that is. Weeks later, April & Jon became an item and Phil was left alone, feeling jealous for the fact that Dean had taken Phil's former fiancé. A few months passed since Phil & April's break up, rumors had been spreading that Jon & April are taking their relationship to the next level. In other words: Marriage. April had agreed and even invited Phil to their wedding. What choice did Phil had? So he agreed.
The Wedding Day. Mr. & Mrs. Good were having a blast at their wedding day along with their friends & relatives. It was a tradition to all the newly wedded couple for their honeymoons to begin after their wedding day. April & Jon's wedding was the best they had and they were both happy to be together forever.
The next day had arrived and it was time for April & Jon's honeymoon. Their destination: France. It was the city of love, the perfect place for April & Jon to enjoy their lives together as a couple. While they were on their way to the airport, something was starting to bug April. But, as April's husband, Jon kept her calm and she just shook the thought off. April should've said something to Jon because something was definitely wrong. Jon made a wrong turn and was planning on stopping the car from moving but, the brakes weren't working and the car was speeding down the unfinished road!
Jon still tried to control the vehicle but it the too late, the car's trajectory went to a faster pace and their car fell down the unfinished road. In a blink of an eye, Jon & April's far was smashed to pieces and the couple were badly damaged, especially April's head. The car was totally thrashed and the impact was so hard, that April & Jon were nearly thrown out of their vehicle. Some thing definitely was wrong, Jon checked the car before even starting it. What happened?
Police suspected that someone had cut the brakes of the car, that made the brakes unusable.
April & Jon's supposedly happy honeymoon together was ruined... And it was all because of one person.
What will happen to April & Jon? Who could do such a horrible act?
A/N: New story!
What Do You Think?
Attention: To all the PunkLee shippers out there, don't worry because there will be a lot of PunkLee-related chapter in this story. In fact, this is a Punk/AJ/Dean story so get ready!
@PriscillaGSistrunk: My book about you will be up very soon, look out for it! :D
Anyway, tell me what you think by commenting! Also, if you'd like this chapter, vote for it.
Bye, peeps! 😁✌️

Amnesia *WWE*
FanfictionDo you ever just think back to the moments in your life, where everything was actually falling into place? Everything was actually starting to get perfect? Everything was in peace, less drama more joy?