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                                                                                   Lauren's Pov

waking up from that traumatizing dream has made me realize a lot. It's been a week since the dream and what caught my mind was how fast someone could just leave. For them to never be seen again, it's almost as if they are non existent from their lack of appearance. existing of course unless to be deceased but existing still. Just not captured by the human eye enough for peoples regulations. They are only non existing if you make them non existing remember that. Even if camila wasn't the one which in fact I know she isn't. She is still here in the present however,  I am loving her and she is loving me. we are passing precious time together by loving each other and not much of our time together is exposed to anyone. It's sanguine how just perfect she is. She's not flawless of course but I physically can't point out her flaws. I admire the things she doesn't love about herself. 




       2 hours later. 




I was admiring her on the couch while she was watching TV. My favorite show could be on the TV but i'd still look at her. She was my favorite thing to watch. She was entertaining. The door slammed open and I heard "IT'S THE POLICE TURN THE GIRL IN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED BY YOURSELF JAUREGUI." I then panicked and grabbed Camila and  furiously and ran up the stairs. I never believed in guns but it was situations like this I would need them. I sprinted to my room with Camila's arm still in my hand and opened the door I put my hand under the bed and and moved it around until I could find my pistol. I knew they would be quick up here so there was no time to waste. I told Camila to sit on the bed because I was gonna hide behind the door. I heard them shuffling up the hardwood stairs fastly. I then took my gun off of safety and as they entered the room I shot the first cop right in the back of the head and that alarmed the other cop so he turned around and i saw his hand move on the trigger. So I tried to crouch and I half successfully did but I got shot in the shoulder in the process. I winced in pain and as I was down, I then shot his kneecap and he fell to the floor and I moved swiftly and quickly shot him in the heart. We had to flee because they would know somethings wrong if they didn't come back with me in handcuffs ........

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