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When the gunshots ended, and the hall door slammed and fast feet scampered out of the room, Daniel pulled open the door and signaled to Debbie and Liz. They followed him through the living room, where two men lay on opposite sides. One exasperated on his back, clinging to the couch he hid behind.

"The elevator—" Daniel hit the button and the doors opened immediately. They jumped inside and the doors shut.

At the lobby they sprinted before exiting the spinning doors, and made it into the sunshine which blinded them like an intense skylight.

"Quick—" Daniel said. He signaled for a black Tesla that approached, and they hopped right inside.

* * *

The Tesla sped through shining streets, dodging hardly traffic which seeped into the main street quicker every second. Liz and Debbie clung to their seats, and could smell each other's sweat.

They fell sideways when the car turned, and Debbie hit her head on the ceiling while the car fell into an underground parking structure. The sunlight disappeared, and dim orange dominated. After turning around the corner of this seemingly empty parking lot, four Tesla's appeared, side-by-side, and eight men stood leaning on their cars. They stepped forward immediately and Daniel motioned the driver to stop.

They stepped out of the car, but while Liz searched all eight men, she noticed none of them were Will.

Daniel stood tallest among the group. He pulled back his sleeve to check his watch.

"Alright everyone—my client and I need to get on our plane in ten minutes. Please escort the psychiatrist and her assistant, and Alison and the nurse," he said as he pointed to the one silver Tesla of the four, signaling that Alison and the nurse were in there, "and my client and I will catch our plane separately."

Liz waited for Daniel to point to another one of the cars to signal Will's presence but he did not. The men simply sprung into action, and one pulled her by the arm toward the silver Tesla. Wait, she thought, She can't leave yet. Not before seeing Will—


Danny turned and the man who pulled Liz dropped his grip. Danny frowned at her, like she had just ruined their whole plan.

"I need to see Will."

Daniel stood frozen for a millisecond before rolling his eyes and stepping to the rightmost black Tesla. "He's in here." The tinted windows left only a silhouette for her to inhale.

Liz's face opened with excitement, as she began to skip toward the car—but she felt the man pull on her arm again. "Miss—" he said, his voice softer than his grip.

Liz turned angrily and tried to yank her arm away. What was his deal? Let go. She wanted to see Will.

"Get off me," she said. He wouldn't and she heard Danny open the Tesla door without her. "Danny, wait. Danny, I need to see him."

Daniel froze before turning into the car. He did not turn.

The man pulled Liz back and toward the car. Liz couldn't fight him and her attempts to jump out of his grasp led to desperate yanks. "DANNY. DANNY HELP. THEY'RE TAKING ME AWAY. I NEED TO SEE WILL."

Danny turned his head, his eyes big and wet with apology. Lowering his head, he said, "It's for the best."

And with that, he dipped into his seat, before slamming the door behind him. The reversed quickly, and in a moment, drew the car around the corner, and him and his backseat passenger, were out of sight.

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