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Last time;
" He's dying Jisu."
Jisu's p.0.v;

" W-what? No, y-you're lying!"
He looked at me with sorry eyes.

" There's a chance he'll still live but as of now, his condition is only getting worse."

" What can we do to make sure he lives?"
" I don't know." Tears are once again poked out of my eyes.
" We'll just have to wait and see what happens."

" O-ok..." I sob," can I have some time alone with him?"
He nods and leaves.
I kneel at his bedside and hold his hand, as I cry making the bed sheets damp.
" Wake up, wake up, wake up!"
I plead. Even though it's no use.
" S-stay strong. I still believe in you."
For a second I swear I saw him flinch, but he was still completely frozen. I was hallucinating.

I continue to cry until I fall fast asleep.


A week later
Jisu's p.0.v;

He still hasn't woken up.
Every day that passes that feeling consumes me more.
I didn't eat.
I didn't sleep.
I didn't have a life.
My eyes became red from crying, and my cheeks became puffy.
Crying myself to sleep didn't work anymore.

I visited him less frequently.
Starting to... Loose hope.
His face only reminded me of how much I miss him.
I still brought him soup and rice every day.
I still cry for him in the same way.

Please come back to me, Jungkook.

~ back to the present~

I put his soup in a bowl with rice like every other day.
I brought it to his room and placed it on the table beside his bed, seeing him still pale and skinny, and still on the bed.

I rest my head on his chest.
But something's different from usual..
His slow, small breaths have dissapeared.
His chest is still. Not moving.
His skin is as cold as ice.
He's stopped breathing...

I get on top of him, tears dripping from my face, and start doing cpr.
" Come on, don't leave me!"
I open his mouth and breath air into his lungs.
Then I check to see if he's breathing.
I keep going, refusing to admit defeat.
He's gotta live.

I close my eyes and pump his chest. I cry, feeling a whole being ripped in my heart.

Then a feeling I never expected.
Two arms pulling me into his chest.
I open my eyes, wiping my tears away.

" Y-you're alive."

The poignant tears run down our faces.

" Mianhae. I love you."
He whispered with a shaky voice.
" I-I love you too."

Jungkooks p.0.v;

The whole time I could hear her.
I heard her every day, crying and begging for me to live.
It made my heart break more and more each day.
But now i know she loves  me too.
I heard how depressed she was.

It was all my fault. For getting her into this.

From now on I'll protect her.
We lie for what seems like forever.
" Ji-... Jeongguk?!"
Jin enters the room, looking for Jisu.

I raise my finger to my lips to signal to be quiet, as Jisu has fallen asleep.

" Y-you're awake?! What happened?!"
He whisper-shouts.

" I'll explain later."
I whisper, taking another glance at her small, angelic face.

" Ara."
He nods and leaves with a big smile.


I wake up from my nap, seeing Jisu blinking her eyes open too.

" Your soup is cold."
I chuckle at what she says.
We hug eachother again then agree it's time for me to get up.

I stand up, weak.
And walk towards the door.
" Uh, before you go out there, you should know something."
I look at her questioningly.
" Jimin is gay, and he had a crush on you..."
She said fiddling with her hair.
" Jinjja? "
She nodded.
" Omo... "
I was at a loss for words.
" Anyway, come on."
She helped me out the door to the sitting room.
There I saw the boys all sitting, worried.
" Jeongguk!"
They all ran forward, to hug me.
" Hey,"
I greeted.
" We thought you were gone!"
Tae exclaimed.
" Ha, dont give up on me so easily."

I see Jimin stand back from the group a little with a guilty look on his face.
I push the others to the side to talk to him.
" Hey, Mianhae Hyung. But, if it makes you feel any better, I saw Yoongi checking you out a couple times."
I chuckle.
" Wait, hyung? Jinjja?"
I nod and he blushes, glancing over at Yoongi-hyung.
Turns out hyung was looking at him right at that moment, and they both sort of just looked away awkwardly, making me laugh.
" Y-you better get something to eat."
He said, walking away.
" They missed you a lot."
Jisu wrapped her arms around my waist from behind.
" And you didn't?"
I turned to her. She stepped back and blushed, looking at the floor.
" I did,"
I pulled her into a hug, and she hugged back.
" Awww..."
All the guys cooed behind me.
" Shut up."
I replied.
She pulled away and took my hand, dragging me to the kitchen.
" Oh~, get some!"
Taehyung shouted. Jin hit him like the Eomma he is.

She let go of my hand and shoved a bowl in the microwave.
" You're so pale."
She observed, putting her hand on my head to check my temperature,( though she had to stand on her tip-toes)

" But I'll nurse daddy back to health."
She continued, looking up at me with innocent eyes.

I pulled her so she was leaning on me, then kissed her forehead.

" Thanks kitten, but daddy can take care of himself."

" I'll help you still."

A/n: sorry if this was boring.. Vote|comment Plzz
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