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Jisus p.o.v:
~the next day~
I was in the middle of making dinner when Nora entered the kitchen.
"Hey Jisu."
She slid around the counter like a snake, acting innocent.
I really thought she was decent until what she did to Tae.
She's pretty, doesn't wear too much make up or too little clothes. She's mannerly. She seemed like a perfectly respectable human being.
A wolf in sheeps skin I suppose.

"Hey~. Earth to Jisu?"
She giggled as I snapped back into reality.
She threw a cherry tomato into her mouth.
"Oh. Hey."
I replied awkwardly.

All of a sudden she seemed to grasp the situation.
"So Tae told you huh?"
She asked narrowing her eyes.
I nodded not looking her in the eye.
"So.. Are you siding with him then? Or do you even want to hear my side of the story?"
"I'm all ears."
I say after putting the dishes into the dishwasher. I lean on my elbow with an expectant face.
"I'm sure you know what it's like to be a girl constantly surrounded by men. You're goodlooking. It's all they want. So I've learned to use it to my advantage."
"I don't get it."
What she's saying doesn't make sense. "I want the truth. If I can't trust my own boyfriend, then who can I trust? Your lies taught me to work for no.1 only."
"So what you're saying is you were just using him. The truth: Is that all you want?"
" Yes. You know it. And you also know that you can't trust them either. So let's work together on this. Partners in crime. What do you say?"
She reached her hand out for me to shake.
"Very well then. I'll just warn you.."
She leaned in
"You'll regret making me your enemy.."
She smirked, throwing another cherry tomato into her mouth.
Then she walked away.

What a bitch.

But I won't regret my decision. What harm could that bitch do?

Famous last words?


Rms p.o.v:

They've been argueing for a while now. Nora and Jin.
It's mainly Nora screaming at him and Jin apologising.
Honstly he sounds kinda desperate. But I understand he loves her very much.
Next thing I hear is the door slamming.
She's left.
I left my room only to see Jin, with his head resting on the door. He's on his knees.
He exhaled loudly.
"She left. We broke up."
He sniffed.
I pat his back.
"Don't worry. You'll find someone else."
"Tae. This is all Taes fault."
He got up with anger in his eyes.
"Woah woah woah woah. Hold your horses. This isn't Taes fault. Why would it be Taes fault?"
"He tried something on her."
"Huh? Jinjja?!"
He nodded in confirmation.
That doesn't sound like him.
"It's true!"
No, he wouldn't. It can't be true.


I asked Tae what happened, then Jisu for confirmation.
Both had the same story.
The others don't know yet.

Gosh... I can't believe it. I never would have expected that from her. I wonder if Jin knows what really happened.


I told him the true story. He was in pure disbelief too.
He's been in his room for 3 hours now... its 5 oclock.
Jisu knocked on his door.
"Hey, Jin. I brought you some food. Open up."
She said softly.
His quiet voice came from inside.
"Ne! I made it just for you."
A smile crept across her face.
The door unlocked and opened slightly.
He took the bowl and was about to close the door but she stuck her foot in.
"Can I come in? Please~.."


She smiled in victory then disappeared inside.

Jisus p.o.v:

Jin sat on his bed in front of me
He was wearing a tshirt and tracksuit, differant to his normal stylish self. His hair was a mess too. I could see that he had been crying due to his red eyes and puffy cheeks.

The room was dark.

"How are you feeling?"
"Like shit."
I nod.
He spoons the soup into his mouth.
" don't you want the light on?"
"Not really."
I nod again.
"Is there anything that can cheer you up?"
"Listen. She isn't coming back whether you like it or not. I'm just trying to make you feel better but if you don't try and forget about her then there's nothing I can do."
"So anything you'd like just call me."
I turned to leave his room before he called my name.
I turned to see his face.
"Jinjja, kamsahamnida."
"Gweanchanha. Any time."
I then left.
Namjoon was seated on the couch, seemingly waiting for me to come out.
I scrunched my face up and winked, while pointing my 2 index fingers at him.
He laughed at my actions.
I then headed for the kitchen to get some snacks since I was hungry.

Again... why do shelves have to be so high up?
I stretched out my digits, as the tops of my longest (still short) fingers tipped the box.
I kept persisting, only to push it further in.
I sighed in frustration, then looked around the door for help, defeated..

"Namjoon! Help me!"

He got up reluctantly and put his phone in his back pocket.

"What's the problem?"

"I can't reach the oreos."

"You know they're up high or a reason."
He raised an eyebrow, and I did so in return.

He sighed and grabbed me by my waist, lifting me up and placing me on the counter.
He leaned closer to reach them, making me lean back to stop his chest hitting me.
For goodness sake all I wanted was some oreos....

"Thank you."
I grabbed them out of his hands.
"Ey, don't eat too much."

"I'm not a kid."

"Then stop acting like 1.. It makes me want to protect you."

He left me; chocking on my oreos.
I caughed up the last bit then jumped off the counter.

"Excuse me?! I'm perfectly capable of-"

He turned around swiftly; stepping towards me in the blink of an eye.
I was cornered.

"Let me eat my oreos in peace!!!"

I clinged them to my chest, with my eyes squeezed closed.

He chuckled; his warm breath hitting my cheeks as he leaned down to my level.

"F-fuck off."

"What did you say?!"

A/n: heyyyy
Soo I realise that there will have to be smut in this at some point but it'll be my first time writing it and oh the cringe~~~.....
Also sorry for the wait and Happy New Year!!

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