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j e n n i e

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j e n n i e

The moment I saw Chaeyoung the next day, I had to ask her how the date had went.

I had tried asking Taehyung how it had went for him yesterday night, but he kept insisting that he was tired and wouldn't look me in the eye. Something was up with him, but I didn't know what for sure. Based on his odd behaviour, I had presumed that the date hadn't gone well, but I needed confirmation from both sides. 

I had even asked Jimin about it, but he told me that he hadn't heard anything from Chaeyoung, either. When I had texted Chaeyoung about it, she simply told me that she would tell me more about it before.

I rushed over to Chaeyoung, tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention. She turned around, giving me a sad smile. 

"How was it? Taehyung seemed tired last night... I hope it went well."

"Yeah, other than the fact that he wouldn't stop talking about you, yes. It went well."

"What? He wouldn't stop talking about..."

"You? Yes, you. I swear on the gods, Jen. That boy who has a thing for you."


"Believe it or not, Jen. He has a thing for you." Chaeyoung shrugged, turning around to finish packing her bag. 

I stepped in front of her, confusion evident on my face. 

"What do you mean, quote on quote, he has a thing for me?" I asked, quoting what she had said. 

"He likes you! Jennie, do you not get it? The way Jimin feels about you? Yeah, that's how Taehyung feels about you, too."

"But... I don't get it. Why would he like me?"

The same reason you like him, Jennie.

"Oh, god. What am I going to do? Are you sure he likes me, Chae? Maybe he just wanted to make conversation with you. After all, you guys do know each other through me." 

"Yeah, we know each other through Jimin, too. But, when I tried talking about him, he would just steer the conversation to you. Now, if that's not 'having a thing' for you, I don't know what is."

I swept my hair back, propping my arm up onto my hip. I still didn't get it. How could Taehyung like me

I liked him, too, don't get me wrong. But, Taehyung had a certain charm about him. I had been drawn to him since I set my eyes on him that night outside the cafe. Even though he had blood all over his clothes and could very well be a murderer, my instincts told me he was a good guy. They told me that he would be a blessing in disguise.

And, he was. He was the reason why I let out everything I had been bottling up on the inside about my father. He was the reason why I looked forward to going home everyday after school. He was the reason why I would pick up a second cup of coffee when I went to go get myself one. 

Taehyung somehow made me feel special, and not in the way Jimin did. If I had met both of them at the same time... I would've chosen Taehyung.

"Hello? Earth to Jennie?" Chaeyoung snapped me out of my train of thoughts, waving a hand in my face. I quickly regained posture, before she continued, "I think you should get this sorted out with him. I mean, how would Jimin feel about this? I know he's really understanding and all, but... if I knew that my boyfriend was living with a girl who liked him - one that wasn't even paying rent - I wouldn't like it. Not one bit. 

"Now, I'm not saying that you should kick him out. No. If he's been staying with you for so long, and you still don't have any intention of kicking him out, it means that he has a really good reason to be staying there. I'm just saying that... well... you shouldn't be so quick to deny facts. And, don't bring me up to him. I know he only went out with me to get over you. You're taken and he knows that, which is why he forced himself to go out with me so he would find a new subject of affection. And that's also the reason why he kissed me back yesterday night."

"What? He kissed you?!" 

"Yeah, so he could get over you. I have a minor in psychology, you know. I can tell what he's thinking. It's up to you on whether or not you're going to deal with this, or simply act like nothing has happened. And, don't fret about it. I won't mention this to Jimin." 

And, with that, she walked away, leaving me alone to fend for myself. 

What the hell was I going to do? 

Well, my father always told me to deal with my problems, and not run away from them. 

This is for you, Appa.

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