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a/n: sorry guys, a lot of you were confused with the ending of last chapter, so here's my amendment:

I didn't quite understand what he meant by that sentence, but I brushed it off, enjoying the still peace and tranquility of that moment - my head fitting comfortably in the crook of his neck, his hand on the small of my back. The constant sound of his breathing. The steady beat of his heart against my heart. The little kisses he left on my head.

Looking back at this moment now, all I could say was, why did you leave, Taehyung?

okay, on with the next chapter

okay, on with the next chapter

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c h a e y o u n g

"I'm not sure whether you can hear me... if you can, hi. I'm Chaeyoung. Not sure if you recognise my voice... anyway, you are probably wondering why I'm visiting you here. I know we aren't really that close, in terms of friendship, but, well... how do I put this. Um... I like you. Like, not in a friend way, but in a romantic way... uh, I don't want to intrude in your life right now, but I just needed to get it off of my chest. And, you're in a coma, so, I don't think you'll hear me anyway. I know you probably still love Jennie with all your heart, despite what happened between you two, but... I don't know. I - " I stuttered, babbling on and on about my unrequited love.

It was in that moment that my entire life flashed before my eyes.

The half-dead boy I was confessing my feelings for, had woken up.

Crap. I was not expecting this.

Okay, okay. Allow me to rewind.


I was finishing up my shift at the cafe, when a familiar head popped up in my vision. Cat eyes, pouty, pink lips, long hair and all. Jennie Kim. The lover of the boy I had a foolish crush on.

Or, ex-lover.

After that day, word that Jennie and Jimin had broken up spread like wildfire. People claimed the reason why Jimin hadn't been attending school for the past few days was because he had crippling depression. Of course, I didn't believe it at first. I had seen with my own eyes the love Jimin and Jennie shared. A love like that was hard to come by, and even harder to get rid of.

I had tried asking Jennie about it, but she hadn't been replying to my messages. That was when I started to think, maybe they really did break up.

I didn't know what to feel. On one hand, I was beyond ecstatic that Jimin was finally single and ready to mingle. On the other hand, I could only imagine how heartbroken Jennie must have been feeling.

I packed away my apron and hat, smoothening my clothes and letting my hair loose, before stepping out of the staff room, scanning the room for my best friend. She was opening the door, about to head out.

"Jen! Hey, Jen!" I called out, waving my arms frantically at her. She looked up and made eye contact with me, but immediately looked down at her phone, pretending to be busy and briskly walking away.

That's odd. Why is she avoiding me?

I bolted for her, and luckily, with my lanky legs, I managed to catch up with her in no time. Placing a firm hand on her shoulders, I turned her around, forcing her to meet my eyes.

"Hey, are you avoiding me?"

Her mouth fell agape, before stuttering, "Wha...? No - no. I'm not avoiding you. I just really need to be somewhere at the moment." She had always been a terrible liar.

"Jen, I can see right through your lies. Come on, I'm your best friend. Why are you being so cold?"

At that moment, she shoved my arm off her shoulder and stared right into my eyes, "If you were my best friend, you wouldn't have lied to me."

"Lied to you?" I was flustered, completely at a loss, "When did I lie to you?"

"You said you didn't like Jimin romantically. Is your dignity that important to you?"

"Jen... I'm so sorry. I just thought that things would get complicated between us if you knew that I had feelings for your boyfriend. I just... I didn't want our friendship to go down the hill. I thought it was a simple crush and my feelings would fade eventually, so I just kept it to myself." I explained as my face fell.

Jennie let out a sigh, letting go of her icy stance, "Okay. I forgive you. I just... I'm really shocked. I didn't see this coming. Me breaking up with Jimin - "

"Wait. You broke up with him? I thought he dumped you because he found out that Taehyung had feelings for you!"

"No... I - I don't really know who exactly was the one to end it. I - I'm a sinner."


Jennie continued to explain everything that had gone down between the two of them. Jimin finding her in Taehyung's arms, him confronting her, him walking away... then, she added that he had gotten into a car accident and was now in a coma. 

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, causing a few passerbys to stare at me. "People said he was so torn that he couldn't bear to come to school!"

"Well, not everything people say is true all the time... you must really like him, huh?"

"I mean... yeah. But, I know it'll be weird if I go for him, especially since you two have so much history together. Besides, he probably still has feelings for you."

After keeping silent for a while, Jennie finally responded, "Chaeyoung... why do you like Jimin?"

My eyes, which had been cast on a faraway place, snapped back to her eyes, "Um... I haven't really thought about it. I don't have an exact reason. I just... I just naturally feel attracted to him. I don't know. But, when I talk to him, I feel like my life is complete, even though it isn't. Like he's... some sort of missing piece of me... s - sorry. That probably made you uncomfortable."

"No, it didn't. Chaeyoung, I highly encourage you to go for Jimin. Please, you really never know whether he still loves me, unless you ask. He may like you."

"Wow... I was not expecting that. What made you say that?"

"I just know." she said, smiling to herself.


And, here I am, looking down upon this precious boy who had stolen my heart, but whose heart still belonged to another.

He frowned, squinting at me, "Chaeyoung? What are you doing here?"

"I honestly have no idea, Jimin. Sorry to disturb you... I'll be leaving now." I said as I grabbed my purse, tears threatening to spill as my heart fell rock bottom. I couldn't believe I had said that. Just then, I heard Jimin sucking in an awfully deep breath, before grabbing my arm. His touch left my arm feeling tingly. 

"Wait, Chaeyoung..." he drawled, looking away as he tried to lift his head, before recoiling in pain and resorting to simply lying down and looking up at me, "I heard everything you said. Um... about that... I honestly don't know whether I'm... ready for another relationship yet. I just... I still have so much trouble comprehending what happened in the past... I don't even know how long I've been out for. I just don't want to jump into anything new at the moment, especially when I'm not fully ready yet."

I looked down at my feet, shuffling around, "I understand." Spinning on my heel to leave before I could embarrass myself further, I walked out with as much poise and elegance I was capable of.

"I hope you'll wait for me till I'm ready."

That made me stop in my track. 

"Really? I stand a chance?"

Jimin gave me one of his trademark smiles, wincing slightly at the pain, before answering.


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