loved (analogical prt. 2)

497 18 10

Logan's POV

"LOGAN!" He screamed, jolting up with big beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. He looked terrified, his chest heaving up and down roughly. His eyes were burning red, tear streaks plastered on his face. He lets out a gasp for fresh air, finally coming to his senses before having a mini coughing fit. Patton choke back a sob, running to Virgil and hugging the life out of him. Virgil was still in a state of shock, his eyes were widened with fear and he looked like he didn't quite know how to react.

"Oh my strange dark son, I'm so sorry.." Patton whimpered, clasping his hands on the anxious side's rosy cheeks, wiping his tears with his thumb. Virgil shook his head, hugging Patton and crying silently in his arms. My heart broke, I have never seen Virgil in this state.

"Virge, whom is this monster that is troubling you? Do I need to slay it for you?!" Roman exclaimed, taking out his samurai sword dramatically. A small smile creeped on his ashen face, but his expressions still looked so dull.

I approached him warily, sitting on his bed. "Are you okay, my love? What happened?" I asked softly, reaching for his hand but he flinched and backed away. My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach, Virgil whimpered while crawling back into Morality's arms.

"S-stay b-back, I d-don't want y-you to hurt m-me again.." He stammered with fear. My eyes narrowed, glistening in unshed tears.

"Love, what ever recurred in your dream, none of them are real. They were merely nightmares, what ever I did in there, they aren't real. Please, believe me." I choked out, hiding my sheet of hurt. He shakes his head, not believing the smart trait.

"Y-you're lying! Y-you're g-going to hurt me a-again!" He accuses, little droplets of tears running down his cheek. He hugs the dad trait, Morality looking at me with pity in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Logan. But maybe it's best for you to stay away from Virgil for a while. What ever happened in his dreams, it seems like you had something to do with it. It looks like it scarred him so it's for the best." Roman uttered, putting his palm on my shoulder. My head dropped in shame, tears filling my eyes.

"If that's what he pleases, then fine." I sighed, rubbing my eyes to prevent my tears from escaping.

"Virgil, I-I love you. I hope you acknowledge that." I stuttered, fleeing the room before the side could respond. Roman and Patton yelled for me but I shook my head and ignored them.

I slammed the door behind me, punching the wall in anger before hissing in pain. I flinched when a sharp pain shoots from my fists, wet tears falling like a waterfall down my cheeks. I bit my lip, loud sobs coming out of my mouth.

Feelings rush through my veins making my sobs grow louder, whatever they were, I hated them. I absolutely despised emotions in general, but sometimes you don't have all of the power to control them.

I walk to the bathroom, ignoring the pain. I stared at myself in the mirror, my cheeks flushed red and my eyes filled with burning tears threatening to fall out. I wiped them with the back of my hand, taking my pills from my cabinet.

I'm sorry, Virgil

Author's note :

Logan isn't trying to overdose or commit suicide guys, don't worry. What those pills were? It's a secret ;)
Again, this was originally meant to be the ending chapter but I wanted to publish something for y'all so here you go. Kinda shitty but I don't give a fuck

Thank you so much for 130+ reads! That's amazing!

Thank you so much for 130+ reads! That's amazing!

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I'll see y'all laterz, peace out
bitches ✌


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