Dance with me? (logince)

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Roman's POV

"Come on dude, just ask him out." Virgil nudged on my arm. I looked at him quizzically, lifting my eyebrow.

"Uh, what do you mean?" I asked. He rolls his eyes sassily, pointing at Logan who was talking with his best friend, Patton, and laughing and face planing at his dorky puns. I smiled at this.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You have been staring at him and smiling. If you want to ask him to dance, then ask him before I choke myself." Virgil casually sips on his coke. I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands.

"Its not that easy." I muttered. He laughs at me, throwing his head back. When he finally sobered up, he looks at me with his 'are-you-kidding-me?' look.

"Are you joking me? How is asking a dude out for a small dance be that hard?" he said.

"Exactly, its a dude. Logan, to be precise. I mean, he's nice and kind and all but he can easily turn me down. Plus, how will the people react to see two men dancing together anyways." I looked at the angel himself, swinging his hips to the beat with a red cup filled with a non-alcoholic drink on his other hand. He wore a dark navy blue tuxedo with his hair a bit ruffled, yet he still managed to look as exquisite ever.

"I mean, look at him. He's drop dead gorgeous. And look at me, I look like a Maria Reynolds with my red tuxedo." I frowned.

"For your information, Maria in the musical looked hot as hell. No hetero though," he corrected me, trailing his finger along the rim of the soda cup. I chuckled.

"Come on, Ro. At least try?" he asked, pouting and giving me the doggy eyes. I chuckled at him, shaking my head.

"Fine, I'll try." I rolled my eyes. He bumps his fists with the air, grinning widely. I chuckled, walking to Logan. I looked behind me and saw Virgil giving me thumbs up.

I swallowed a lump forming in my throat, tapping on Logan's shoulder.

He turned around, his smile growing when he saw me as a small blush creeps on his soft cheeks.

"Salutations Roman," he greeted.

I smiled back. "Hey Lo, I was just asking if you would want to accquiant me to the dance floor? I-I mean, if you don't want to I COMPLETELY understand-" I ranted but got cut off by Logan kissing my cheek. I blushed, sucking in sharp breath when he suddenly takes my hand in his.

"That would be quite lovely, Ro." he smiles and pulls me to the dance floor where couples were dancing to the slow song.

Logan wraps his arms around my neck, me wrapping mine around his waist. We danced to the beat, swaying our bodies slowly. Logan turns his head up to me, his cheeks crimson red and it almost matched the color of my blood red suit.

"R-Roman?" he stammered. I hummed in response, licking my dry lips.

"I-i have to tell you something." he said, taking my hand and pulling me outside where the moon was shining brightly and the stars flickering from time to time.

"What's wrong, Lo?" I lifted up his chin with my pointer finger. He gulps, biting his lower lip. A thing he does when he's nervous.

"I like you.." he confessed. My eyes go wide, my heart beat running faster and faster and I could almost feel it busting out of my rib cage.

"Logan, I-" I started but he cut me off by putting his pointer finger on my lips, shushing me.

"No, let me explain first.." he said. I nodded my head. "Roman Prince, I have liked you since I have laid my eyes on you. Even though you were a little bit chubby back then, I still found you cute. Even when you didn't talk to anyone else except for Virgil, Patton and I, I found it cute. Everything about you just...amazes me. I like you Roman, and even though you don't return my rather disgusting feelings-" he looks down, sighing. I smiled at him, smashing my lips with his softly. He was surprised for a split second but eventually kissed me back, smiling in the kiss until I had to pull back for air.

"And how would you know that I don't like you back, Mr. Nerd?" I smirked, gripping on his waist, not enough to cause pain hopefully.

"S-so, you like me too?" he asked nervously. I just laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Yes, I like you too, my love." I said. He pulled me in a hug, his warm lemon-ish scent flowing in the cold night air. I hugged him back, engulfing myself in his welcoming grasp.

"This is the best night of my life.." I hear him mumble.

"I know.." I mumbled back. I pulled away and kneeled down, taking his soft hands with mine. "Logan, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked, a big dorky grin plastered on my face.

He giggles. "Always the drama queen, and it would be an honour Mr. Prince." He said. The grin on my face didn't waver off as I basically jumped on him and kissed his lips slowly. He giggles in the kiss and nibbles on my lower lip making me smile. I really gotta thank Virgil later, I had thought.

This is indeed the best night of our lives.

Human AU, with our beloved Logince ship. Also, WE'RE ALMOST AT THOUSAND READS AHHHH//


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