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Lily's Pov

Birdy was still unconscious and I didn't know what to do. She was too heavy for me to carry her and no one would stop to help us. I took my jumper off, just wearing a singlet underneath and covered her with it.

A car stopped beside us and a lady ran out. "Oh my god are you alright?" She asked, grabbing my wrist. I shook my head and started crying again. "No! My sister is sick and I need to take her to a hospital" I explained. She nodded and pulled out her phone. "I'll call an ambulance."
I sat in the waiting room while the lady who helped us was talking to someone from CPS. I didn't mind as long as I would be with my sister. I saw them stop talking and the CPS worker walked up to me. "Hi sweetie, do you mind if we have a little chat?" She asked. I shook my head and followed her into an empty room.

"Hi, my name is Charlotte. What's yours?" She asked cheerfully. "Lily" I said simply. "Okay Lily can you tell me what your sisters name is?" She continued. "Birdy" I replied sharply. She raised her eyebrows at me and I sighed. "Our parents named her burden but I call her Birdy" I explained. "Uh huh and how old are both of you?" She insisted. "8."

"8 and..." she urged me to continue. "8, we're twins."
"Oh alright" she wrote everything down and closed her notebook. "Look Lily you seem very mature for your age so I'm going to be honest with you. I have to find you a place to live and chances are, you and... Birdy will go to different homes" she stated.

"No you can't do that!" I shouted. She jumped back a little bit and quickly replied "I'm sorry sweetie but that's just the way things have to be." I stood up in a rage and kicked the chair over. I ran out of the room and to Birdys hospital room. To my surprise, and happiness she was awake. "LILY!" I ran and hugged her. "I'm so happy you're alright" I exclaimed. She pulled back and looked at me with teary eyes. "Am I gonna be taken away from you?" She asked. "No ones gonna separate us" I reassured her.

Michaels Pov

I walked through the crowded streets of Monaco with my security surrounding me. I sighed and looked down to avoid the camera flashes. I was such a fool for believing that I could escape from the media here. They were out in force.

I got to the Hotel and a fan ran full speed at me. She hugged me and laid a kiss right on my lips. I was shocked but did my best to hide it. "Can I have your autograph?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "Sure" she handed me a copy of my HIStory album and a pen. I scribbled my name across it and handed it back to her. Security ushered her away and I quickly ran into the elevator. I pushed the button to my suite and walked out quickly.

My personal guards greeted me as I'd left them to guard the Hotel room because I wasn't the only person here.
"Michael!" Debbie greeted me with a hug and rubbed her large baby bump proudly. "Your baby is going to be just as restless as you. I can tell already" she teased. I blushed and placed my hands on her stomach. "I can't wait for him to arrive" I said excitedly. "How many children do you plan on having? It's like your never going to stop" she stated.

"I don't know I just wanna be a good Father..." I looked down and frowned. "But sometimes I really doubt myself with all the chaos and things I gotta do" I admitted. Debbie sat on the couch and pulled me down next to her. "Don't doubt yourself Michael! Do you remember what I told you when I offered to do this for you? I believe some people should be parents and you're one of, If not at the top of the list of them" She said. I smiled up at her and hugged her. "Thank you Debbie. By the way I'm really sorry you've been locked up here most of the time. I didn't expect it to be so hectic."

"Okay now you're just being oblivious. Of course it's hectic! You're Michael friggin' Jackson!" She yelled. I giggled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I am."

"Now that we've got that sorted. Get your butt up and come with me. I know exactly how to turn that frown upside down" she insisted, standing up and pulling my arm. "Alright I'm coming!" I said, giggling.

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