Chapter Seven: You Are My Life (A Day in the Life Of Royal)

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Royals Pov

Lily walked offstage and I stepped in front of her from the shadows. She tried to hide her shock and smiled at me. "Hey there. Did you want an autograph?" She asked innocently. "Stop faking Lily, I know it's you" I said in disappointment. She pulled me to the side where no one was around and shushed me. "How'd you find out?" She demanded.

I pushed her away and started running to the exit. "Royal!" She caught up to me and pulled me back by my arm. "Stop it!" She yelled, getting the attention of my bodyguard. "Get outta here." He was about to escort her away but I stepped in front of him. "Terry it's cool she's with me" I said. He shrugged and walked off cracking his knuckles.

"What are you doing here?" I insisted. Lily rolled her eyes and turned around. "I followed you. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go tell Dad" she announced. "No! Royal you can't do that, this is my dream" I said. She scoffed and spun back around and glared at me. "What is? Lying to Dad... to me?! Or pretending that we aren't your family?"

"No... being a singer" I muttered. "And you can be. Dad isn't going to make you give it up but you should at least be honest" she said. I growled and began to walk away before things got worse. People would see us arguing and the media would eat it up. Lily yanked my wig off revealing me as Lily Jackson rather than my alter ego Juelz.

"Give that back!" I shouted. I snatched it from her and pulled it back on. "If I did this being a Jackson that's all people would know. 'Oh that's Michael Jackson's daughter!' I want to make a name and myself" I yelled. "You better make this worth it sis because I don't lie but I'm gonna do it for you."

I sat down at the dinner table and smiled at the Chinese banquet we were having for dinner. "Paris can you please say grace?" Dad asked. "Sure!" We all held hands and bowed our heads. "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen" she recited easily.

Everyone started talking and eating but I could only pick at my fried rice. "May I be excused?" I mumbled. Dad nodded and I ran upstairs to my room. I walked into my closet and got my jacket and a hat. "Royal." I dropped them and turned around guiltily. "Trying to sneak in some riding?" Dad asked. I nodded and picked my things up, feeling guilty. "You know I don't like it when you leave the ranch without asking me." I nodded and sat on my bed with a rein in hand. "But I don't want you to miss out. Just remember to take security with you" he said. "Oh thanks Dad!" I exclaimed flinging my arms around him. "You're welcome sweetie" he said hugging me back.

I grabbed all my things and ran to the door. "Royal" I turned around and smiled. "Love you Dad" I said. He smiled too. "I love you more."

I peeked out the window and saw the barn in the distance. I missed my horse Juliet so much. Michael and I related so much for our love of animals. I'd always wanted a horse so he bought me Juliet for my twelfth birthday. The limo pulled up outside the barn and the driver opened my door. I got out, my boots crunching on the gravel road and ran inside. Juliet neighed as I opened the gate. I hugged her around the neck and started adjusting the reins to go for a ride. I couldn't keep her at Neverland because there wasn't enough room to do the jumps and other practices with her.

I walked out to the back and climbed up, swinging my leg over her. I pulled on the reins to speed up until she was galloping. "Alright girl are you ready for this?" I asked as we approached the first pole to jump. She jumped with no hesitation and just as we were midair someone jumped out from the bushes.


I fell back in surprise and landed on the ground. Juliet landed after me and her foot slipped onto my back. "OW!" Juliet ran off into the barn and the paparazzi took a bunch of shots before retreating to their car. I shuffled slightly and felt the worst pain shoot through my body.

Later That Night

I opened my eyes and noticed that it was now dark. I tried to move but couldn't with all the pain still radiating through my body. I hit the ground in frustration and started crying.

A car pulled up onto the curb and I cried even harder. Why couldn't these people leave me alone?! Someone ran towards me and I prayed silently. "Oh my god Royal!" I slowly looked up and saw Lily crouch down beside me. Some camera flashes came from a tree and she stood up quickly. "Will y'all fuck off?! You don't need to be here hounding my sister!" She shouted but they didn't stop. Someone else ran out from the car and stopped beside me. "ROYAL... shi-" Dad leaned over me and picked me up carefully. Flashes started coming from all directions and I suddenly felt dizzy. "Sis! Don't close your eyes.... Stay with us!" I saw everything go dark and could only hear mumbling voices. "We're here..."

"You are the sun
You make me shine
Or more like the stars
That twinkle at night
You are the moon
That glows in my heart
You're my daytime my nighttime
My world
You're my life"

To be continued....


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