Blessing in Disguise 3

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“I don’t like it when you smoke around Sofia” Gaga said as they were sitting outside at her parents place who had a small patio behind it “-but we’re outside” Taylor said as he blew out some smoke, Gaga rolled her eyes and grabbed her daughter “-then I’ll just go inside” and opened the door and got into the house. Taylor looked at his wife walking away and sighed, he stared at his hand that held the cigarette and saw how it slowly turned into ashes, he shook his head and deeply inhaled one more time before putting it out on the ashtray that was put there by Gaga’s mom who didn’t like the cigarette buds scattered onto her precious patio.

Taylor walked back in the house as he saw his parents-in-law sitting in the living room; they looked at him “what?” Taylor asked as he stopped walking “can I talk to you for a second?” Gaga’s dad Joe asked, Taylor frowned “euh sure” and followed him to the back so Gaga and her mother couldn’t hear them. Taylor felt a bit uncomfortable and crossed his arms “what is it?” he asked, Joe put his hand on his shoulder “oh don’t worry, it is nothing bad I just noticed you and Stef are a bit-“ he thought for a few seconds “-there is just a lot of tension around you guys” Taylor nodded and sighed “yeah I know, it is just lately everything I do she gets so irritated with me and I try my best but-“ Joe nodded “that’s what you get with pregnant women” Taylor nodded as he rubbed his face “I just don’t know what to do anymore you know” Joe smiled “-just keep doing what you are doing but do it even better, she is carrying that baby of yours, she is doing all the work we are just here to serve them” Taylor laughed “just a few more months I guess” Joe nodded “-and then you can worry about your new baby daughter out of the womb” as he padded his back and made their way back to the living room where they heard Sofia squeal.

“Honey why are you being so hard on Taylor, he is doing his best you know” Cynthia asked as she was bouncing her granddaughter on her lap, Gaga sighed and shook her head as she leaned back into the chair “I just don’t know, every little thing irritates me, even if he is nice” as she was rhythmically tapping with her fingers on her ever growing baby bump.  “I think it is just stress; there is just so much going on with this whole pregnancy and outside of that… I just feel so overwhelmed” Cynthia smiled as she reached out her hand to her daughter “so let him help you” Gaga smiled back at her mother “alright, I’ll try” and signaled her to give over her daughter who wasn’t really able to sit on her lap anymore but she could stand on her mother’s knees as she held her tightly, making Sofia squeal out of happiness.

Gaga was lying on her back, she had gone into her third trimester but she just felt worse and worse, her headaches were getting more frequent, her feet were swollen, she was so tired she saw spots, it was terrible. She had a doctor’s appointment tomorrow but Taylor couldn’t come this time because he had been shooting this new TV series and she had reassured him everything would be fine, it was just a routine checkup.

“She’s asleep” Taylor said as he had walked into their bedroom, pulling off his clothes and throwing it into the same corner as always, Gaga smiled at him “thank you, I just didn’t feel like getting up” Taylor nodded and joined her on the bed as he gently touched her bare belly “how are you feeling?” he asked lying next to her as he laid on his side and looked at her, Gaga grunted and did the same facing him “same as always” Taylor looked concerned as he put his hand in her neck and slowly went down her shoulder and paused at her belly “I don’t think it is normal babe” Gaga sighed “I don’t know what to think” as she grabbed that same hand “-but I am trying to relax and just… I don’t know not read too much into it” Taylor nodded and shimmied himself closer “I am so sorry I can’t be there tomorrow” Gaga smiled and kissed him “It’s ok, and I am not just saying that, It’s really fine” Taylor faintly smiled back and sighed “I don’t know what I would do if anything would happen to you… or this baby”.

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