In Sickness and In Health pt. 7

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“Mom, dad just hear me out ok” Gaga sighed trying to explain why she suddenly wanted to leave New York. “I just feel like you have enough going on here now” Cynthia said, trying to reason with her daughter, Gaga shook her head and guided her parents to the kitchen where they could talk more privately “look, this is maybe hard to hear but if anything does happen, God forbid, I want my babies and Taylor to remember this awesome, perfect vacation together and-“ Gaga paused, trying to pull herself together “that my kids won’t remember me always being gone for my music” Cynthia was holding her hand before her mouth, trying to fight back her tears while Joe silently nodded, Gaga walked closer to her mom and dad and embraced them “we’ll be back in about a week” Cynthia distanced herself and swallowed “ok, fine honey but let me know where you are, and how you are doing, you don’t always have to be so brave you know” Gaga leaned from one leg to the other and faintly smiled “I know”.

Meanwhile Taylor was trying to get the children to calm down, who just heard they were going on a vacation, and get them in their coats and hats “Daddy?” Sofia asked, Taylor kneeled in front of her “yeah” he smiled looking at his beautiful daughter whose blue eyes stared into his “why are we going on vacation?” she said in a sad tone, Taylor zipped up her coat “don’t you wanna play on the beach? We’ll build sandcastles-“but Sofia shook her head, making her dark curls dance on her shoulders “I just wanna go to school and play piano with mommy, why is everybody acting so weird? I don’t like it” she stated, pouting a little. Taylor sighed and wiped his daughter’s hair out of her face “baby, it’s almost Christmas nobody goes to school” ignoring the last part of her question “-and were gonna play in the sea, chasing the waves, like we did last time remember?” that idea made her at least smile again and Taylor sighed in relief. “Look, daddy, look! I put on my coat myself!” Sarah yelled, Taylor laughed while looking at his 3-year old whose coat was not only inside out but also buttoned lop-sided, but before he could say or do anything Gaga had picked her up from behind and smiled “good job baby” and kissed her daughter on her nose, putting her down again “but let me just-“ putting it on correctly “that’s better right?” she asked her little girl who nodded and ran towards the door “let’s go, I wanna go!” Gaga shook her head “no, Sarah Taylor say goodbye to your grandparents!” Sarah who was a little intimidated by her mother calling her on both names walked towards her grandma and grandpa “bye” she said smiling “bye honey, see you back at Christmas!” Cynthia said kissing her followed by Sofia and Joey “bye mom, bye dad” Gaga said holding her son who was just looking around with his big blue eyes, suckling on his pacifier, “bye Loop” Joe said while they were walking out of her parents apartment “Stefani?” Cynthia yelled quickly “yeah?” Gaga answered turning around “It’s time for Joey to give up his pacifier, you know that right it’s better for-“ Gaga smiled and interrupted her “I know mom… See you soon!” Taylor waved and they went their way home, trough the cold street of New York fantasizing about the exotic location they were heading to.

That night Gaga and Taylor were lying in bed, Joey was determined not to fall asleep in his own bed and after hours of struggling they just gave in and he was now laying between them, asleep. “This is the last time though” Gaga said exhausted softly stroking her son’s cheek “I know” Taylor answered while yawning. Gaga carefully scooted over to her husband, trying not to wake-up Joey and rested her head on his chest like she always did “where do you wanna go? Some place new?” Gaga whispered, Taylor had already closed his eyes, he had not counted on his wife wanting to talk “erhm I don’t know” Gaga noticed he was not in a chatty mood and closed her eyes as well “we could go to that place we went in Italy remember? That house at the beach, you were… I believe 5 months pregnant with Sarah” Gaga opened her eyes, surprised he started to talk “oh that place was perfect, that’s a good idea babe” she said a little too loud and Joey started to stir “go back to sleep honey” she whispered at her son, who clenched his stuffed rabbit a little closer and luckily did fall asleep. Taylor smirked “maybe this isn’t a great time to have a conversation” Gaga nodded in agreement “but I will make sure that we can rent that same house tomorrow morning, we weren’t bothered by paparazzi back then either, it was really nice” Taylor said, but he then noticed she had already fallen asleep, he kissed her forehead whispering “well goodnight then” holding her a little closer, his arms wrapped around her and swallowed, he couldn’t help but think that this life they were living right now, could end abruptly and it scared him to death.

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