In Sickness and In Health pt. 4

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He never thought that it could disappear, that spark, even when times were hard, very hard, that spark never vanished, her eyes, her beautiful greenish-brown eyes were dull, like the life was sucked out of it, Taylor wasn’t quite sure if he could life without that spark, since that phone call everything changed, their plans, their life and even more importantly her being. Gaga felt like she was living another life separate from everybody around her, like she was in a big grey bubble, and it wasn’t like she couldn’t see, speak, hear or feel, it was just, numb. Taylor was able to get his wife in the car and dropped the kids off at Tara’s apartment who lived across the road from the park “Taylor, what are you doing here? What’s going on?” she had asked trough the intercom “please Tara, could you care for the kids for one day, please? I would be forever in your depth” she was silent for a bit but buzzed so they could go upstairs, he dropped his three very confused kids at her place “of course I can take care of them, but what’s wrong? Is it Gaga?” Tara asked worried, he looked at his children who were distracted by Tara’s dog and nodded “I can’t tell you what’s going on, I am sorry” and gave her Joey’s diaper bag “can they sleep over, I’ll bring the stuff tonight…” Tara nodded “of course, of course don’t worry” Taylor walked towards his kids and hugged and kissed them “I love you” he said and wanted to run back to his wife but Tara held his arm “she is not gonna die or something scary right?” Taylor hesitated and shook his head “no don’t worry” and left. It rained outside, like it was planned, he walked over to the car his wife was in, but before getting in cursed at the sky “WHY? WHY THE FUCK WHY?” people around him looked up like he was crazy, but Taylor didn’t care, he just got in the car. “Are they cared for?” Gaga asked immediately “yeah, Tara is caring for them and they’ll stay overnight” she nodded, Gaga had her sunglasses on, but it didn’t hide the smeared out black make-up that came from under it. “I wanna see my mom” she said with a raspy voice. Taylor asked their driver to go to the Germanotta residence and they left. Taylor looked at her, seeing himself in the reflection of her shades “baby?” he asked softly; she shook her head, saying “no”. He went to sit closer to her and took her sunglasses off. She had ripped the fake lashes off and her eyes were red from crying “I knew it was too good to be true” she said before falling in his arms, not caring that he was wet from the rain, not even caring her Chanel clothing got soaked “what is?” he whispered “my career, my fans, you, the kids, everything” he backed off looking straight in her eyes “don’t talk like that, you’re not gonna die” the car had stopped, they only sound they heard was the rain on the roof “how do you know?” she whispered “because I am not gonna let you, ever” and gave her the softest kiss she had ever felt in her life.

Cynthia and Joe Germanotta were eating dinner, before they were disturbed by the loud knocking on the front door; Joe raised his eyebrow “who could that be?” Cynthia shrugged “I don’t know” and got up; she looked through the peephole “it’s Stefani and Taylor” she said surprised and opened the door. “Mom” Gaga sighed in relief knowing she was home “what’s wrong?” she gasped looking at her daughter who clearly wasn’t looking that great. Gaga leaned from one leg to another, she started to cry again, holding her hand before her mouth “I’ve got cancer” she stated before falling in her mother’s arms. Cynthia’s knees were getting weak “c-cancer? What are you saying?” Joe who was still sitting at the dinner table had heard everything and had almost ran to them catching his wife who was about to fall. Taylor walked in and closed the door so no neighbors could hear them. Gaga wasn’t able to speak anymore because of the sobbing “what kind of cancer?” Joe had whispered “breast cancer” Taylor responded without looking into Joe’s eyes.

They were sitting in the living room, it was good for Gaga to cry and she was calm now, clenching a cup of tea in her hands, Taylor was sitting right beside her holding her with one arm tight around her waist, like he wasn’t letting her go, ever.  “So when do you know for sure? Like that you’re not gonna-“ Cynthia swallowed “-die”, Gaga shook her head “after the operation I guess… I don’t even know, gonna have an appointment with the surgeon soon”. Joe put his cup down hard, making the coffee table shutter “how is it even possible, you’re 31 years old damnit!” Nobody responded to his outburst, mainly because they were all thinking the same “I just- what about my fans? I was gonna tour again, new record and us” she was now looking at her husband “I promised you a big family, we both wanted more kids… I could get infertile you know” a single tear run down her face, Taylor shook his head “don’t worry about that, you gave me the most beautiful children I could ever wish for”. Gaga leaned her head against his shoulder, everyone was silent. “It’ll be ok” Joe said, Cynthia and Taylor nodded in agreement “yes it’ll be fine, before you know you’ll be performing again” Taylor joked awkwardly trying to get Gaga to smile again. “It’ll be ok?” Gaga thought, like she wasn’t saying that to herself every past couple of days now.

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