chapter 6 😺

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"The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman only grows with the passing years." -Audrey Hepburn.

* * * * * * * * *
This chapter is based on flash backs.

Aisha's P.O.V

I walked into class that morning, still trying to avoid David, who was already seated, when I noticed the whole class gathered around someone, not as if I expected the class notice me, even if I was going to drop dead the next minute, I mean who would notice the girl that seats at the back, never talks to anyone or rather never contributes in class. Anyway, it wasn't really odd though but I felt it was a girls thing. I noticed how engrossed they were and wished I was just that person they were paying attention to even if it was just once.

I walked past their gathering and overhead Kofo, and that immediately sent shivers down my spine, I went from wishing, I wanted to be in her shoes to being so disgusted. She was probably talking about one of her numerous trips to God know where and places I don't want to know about, doing what I don't care about.

I wanted to scream shut up, not like that would shut her up though, but that was just how annoying that moment was. I just had to keep calm, mostly because David's presence had tamed me, I wasn't going to act so foolish in his front again, not again, not ever.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Kofo and I used to best of friends.  She knew about my one-sided crush for David, she would tease me with it. More than friends, we were sisters, but I guess I was the only one that saw us in that light.
We were both new students in school then, we used to do things together, we sat at the back of the class together, she was my main reason for seeing life in a loving way, she loved dogs just as I did, when my assignment where not completed she would cover up for me, she was everything, I wanted in a friend, I had sleepovers at her place, even with my Mom's countless refusal.

My Mom and hers are so different, her Mom is always there, she cared, she encouraged things that I felt if it were to be my Mom wouldn't see the light of the day.

Kofo wasn't my Moms favourite, Mom hated her, for reasons known not to me. She felt or believed that Kofo was a bad influence on me. She said things between I and Kofo were too good to be true. She would tell me not to get to attached cause of the expected break up but my stubbornness won't let me see the truth.

The sad part was that Mom was right,
I really loved her Mom more than mine, Her parents are so nice, I always got invitations from them during thanks giving, I felt like I had finally found a family , her mom encourages her social movement.

But life changed everything.
Before Kofo and I officially stopped being friends, she had already started hanging out with Oiza and her minions.

* * * * * * *

It was on the second of February, Kofo and I had not talked for about three weeks. She was my best friend and this was the first time we had stayed that long without replying my text. I called her and she picked, I told how I wanted to talk to her about everything. So we had scheduled to meet at Mrs Wally's place for lunch, but she had called earlier to cancel, saying that her dad was sick and she needed to stay at home to attend to him.

So I went to Mrs Wally's place alone, since I book a reservation, but to no avail, she never came instead I saw her sick old father who she had claimed was sick, was standing right in front of me talking about his business to a woman near the counter. I immediately called her but she wasn't picking up.

So I rushed straight to her house, with hopes for an explanation even though I was fuming with rage.

I got there and her Mom told me, she was sleeping, I felt like going up there to beat her blue and black, but respected my self because of her Mom.

I sat down for about ten minutes with no response from both her and her Mom.

Then her phone rang.

Apparently she had left her phone on the center table. So I picked it up just to see it was David.

Would I say I was angry when I saw the number saved as David boo. Well if I said that, them that was an understatement.

I checked her gallery without hesitation and also read her whatsapp messages, when I saw where she claimed our friendship to be over.

And the worse part was that the person was she told Oiza.

I was still holding the phone, reading the chats when someone snatched it from me and then I turned only to see that it was Kofo.

I slapped her and didn't feel like listening to her so I walked away, with so much anger.
Without even saying a word.

I left feeling broken.

I learned that heart break is not for only lovers but friends go through it.

Sixth one lovers, please tell me what you think and don't forget to share this or recommend-📢📡📣

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Leave comment, every comments and vote leaves a smile on my face and makes me want to do better.

What do you think about what Logo did?

Who hates being stood up in a meeting, love romance etc?

Do you think Aisha overreacted?

Who also loved the hot slap she got?

Now what do you think of Kofo?

Do you see what happened to her to be karma?

Kindly spam with your comments



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Helen Iyamadiken

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