We Used To Date.

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This was/is MadFraks story. He passed it onto me to complete, and this page and chapter one are HIS. I will be writing the rest.

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I will find you...

And I will kill you.


Nora loved HW to death. She would literally die for him. He was her first boyfriend and they dated all through their senior year of high school. She spent every moment that she could with him. Nora would be the only girl sitting on the bleachers watching as he practiced with the baseball team. She loved HW more the sun and green grass, he was her everything.

     They shared a night of passion together for the first time after prom. She awoke the following morning, alone in a motel to read a text simply stating, ‘it’s over’. HW ignored her calls, deleted her from his friend’s list and pretended she didn’t exist when he would see her around town. She gave up all hope after he headed off to college. Nora had nothing, except for a blade that she slid across both of her wrists.

                    Six Years Later

    Dr. Rose sat across from Nora staring at her notepad. “I heard some good news.”

    Nora, who wore a white medical gown, excitedly nodded. “Yes, the voices are gone.”

    After slitting her wrist her parents sent her away to an institution. It wasn’t long until she started hearing voices in her head telling her to ruin the life of the man who did the same to hers. The doctors wouldn’t let her leave, Nora repeatedly failing all her mental exams. After taking the exams every month for the last six years she learned how to appear sane and passed one. She was awarded this evaluation session to declare whether or not she was illegible for release.

    “Tell me what the voices used to say to you,” Dr. Rose asked.

    “It’s been so long,” Nora laughed out. “I can barely remember.”

    Nora clearly remembered everything; it was simple, ruin HW.

    Dr. Rose smiled and nodded as she started writing. “If we release you, what are your plans?”

    Nora formed a proud smile. “I’m going to get over my past and move forward.”

    In her mind she said different. She was going to stalk HW, make him fall for her and ruin his life.

    Dr. Rose signed a yellow slip and passed it to Nora. “And you will. You’re cleared for release.”

    Nora snatched the note and jumped to her feet. After six years of being trapped behind the walls of the institution, she would finally be able to execute her plan. She would recreate herself and find HW. No matter what, she would not rest until he would feel the same pain she did when he broke her heart.

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