First night as a 'Gay' man

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The night was cold and dark, it was nearly winter, the sun set early and the night had clear skys, making the nights air like ice to the touch. 

Reid, wearing a buttoned up, smart coat, purple scarf, black skinnies and an oversized burgendy knitted cardigan, walked himself to the club. He rubbed his hands together, the cold mist from his hot breath broke though his fingers. He placed his hands into his pockets and hurried along. He was about half a mile away but could see the bright multicoloured lights booming in the distance, reds, blues, yellows and greens lit up the night sky, the stars above went into hidding.

 The music was loud, but not as loud as Reid expected, nearing the club Reid could see it was rather chilled out. People stood about the front chatting away, drinks or cigerettes in hand, how some weren't cold he thought. A man dressed in drag was talking to the bouncer, he wore amazing high, high heels, a purple sparkly dress and a wig which was so tall it nearly hit the top of the door frame. Reid smiled, as much as he was playing a 'Gay' man, he WAS a gay man, and he just felt so comfortable, like he could just be himself. Till he remembered, his entire team were inside, and they'll be watching him.

"Haven't seen you before?" He was a tall built man, tattoos covered in arms and neck, head shiny from the lack off hair, but his voice was soft, which shocked Reid, he comes across as so intimidating, but that's his job. "New to the area, wanted to check out the local bars" Reid smiled at him.  

"Well welcome to the Area...?"

"Reid, Spencer Reid" The bouncer had reached out his hand to shake his hand. "Sorry, I don't really like being touched" The bouncer put up his hands. "Sorry man I didn't realise. The names George but everyone round he just calls me G" 

"Nice to meet you G" Reid smiled, for just a moment, this didn't feel like his job, he didn't feel like hiding. 

"Enjoy yourself tonight" Reid nodded as G gestured for him to go inside. The club was rather quite, Reid prefered that, better than having some drunked up gay guy try and grope on the dance floor. Reid saw his team sat at one of the booths oppersite the bar, all dressed up, they were undercover to when Reid thought about it.  

People in groups sat in the booths based all around, people danced on the dance foor, a stage stood at the back of the club, which looked like an act would be on soon, and people stood chatting and flirting at the bar. Gays, lesbians, trans and drag queens, all smiling, lauging, making out and just being themselves. Reid had never been to anything like this before, it was completely different to his local back home, it felt fresh. He couldn't help but smile, he felt beyond happy, but he wasn't here to have fun, but to work. 

He walked to an empty space at the bar, he took off his coat and scarf and placed it on the back on the chair next to him, he took and seat and ordered a drink. "What can I get you handsome?" A tall thin man who's hair was dyed a pastel pink placed messily on the top of his head in some kind of man bun, he had a glass and towel in hand. "Vodka and coke please".

"Coming up" Reid looked behind him at his team, he gave a slight nod to show he had noticed them before turning back around. He slyly placed the ear piece in his ear and turned it on. "If you can hear me Reid, take a sip of you're drink, then place it down to you're left" Hotch spoke over the microphone quietly. Reid did so. "Good he can hear us, now we just have to wait".

  The night went on and the team all engolfed in conversation with Reid over the ear piece, Reid couldn't reply obviously but he would listen in and giggle to himselve now and than. Some would look at him weirdly, but he didn't really take much notice, he was to buys checking out the local eyecandy. 

"See that guy at the bar?" A man's voice came from the booth next to the team. 

 "Which one?" a different voice came this time, replying. 

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