God be my witness

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Mitsuki was baffled, what did the unsub want with Reid so much. It wasn't until the unsub got closer that Mitsuki recognised him to be the one that attcked him and tried to rape him. He didn't want to show he was afraid, because if he did it will be a sign of weakness and he'll proabbly get killed off sooner. "What do you want with Spencer?" 

"I want to help him, like I'm going to help you" Mitsuki couldn't make sense anything he was saying, does he mean killing us is going to help us? Rid us of our 'Disease'? Mitsuki watched him, wanted to see if there was anything he could use to get to him, an injury, a tick, something, anything, he didn't care what. He wanted out. "When I saw you two sat at the bar, you made me feel sick" He was sat rather close to Mitsuki, close enough he could smell his cheap, nasty aftershave. "Watching you two kiss, touch each other it was unnatural" He punched his leg, sudden rage built inside him, Mitsuki couldn't get anymore scared than he already was. "So when I followed, watched you, I found out who and what he was. He was a Dr" Mitsuki looked at him with a confused expression plastered over his face. 

"He could help me get rid of the dieseased" He smiled. A sinister smile. "I will cure him, make him see that he is sinning, but God be may witness, he can change and so can you" He looked at Mitsuki. "I can help you both. Once he is cleansed, we can begin this amazing journey together, God's journey, and together we can do God's bidding" He stood up, voice was raising as if he thought God could actually hear him. Mitsuki knew there was no such thing as God, but he knew if he deined anything he said, he would be killed. 

"But you called yourself God? Are you God?" He looked at him. 

"I am God's healper, all helpers of God take on his spirt to walk agmoust the mundanes, showing them right from wrong, helping them along there path or righteouness" This guy is fucking nuts, Mitsuki thought. 

"But what can Spencer do?" He was afraid to ask that question in fear on what he might say. 

"He is a Dr, he knows how to heal people, he can help me" Mitsuki knew that that wasn't the type of Dr Spencer was, yes he had the title of 'Dr' but not the medicinal kind, just the one with a stupid amount of PHD's. "What' your name?" The guy looked at Mitsuki. 

"God's children do not share there name"

"But what do I call you?" 

"You may call me Jehovah" Mitsuki nodded. "Now, you need to rest, you injuries won't heal themselves. 

"You not going to hurt me?" Stupid question Mitsuki, he thought, beating himself up in his head. 

"Not yet" He walked out, leaving Mitsuki alone and terrifed that the next time he came back could be the last time alive. 

Spencer stood over the blood covered body, it was the officer who was looking after Mitsuki. Deep lacerations covered his body, a pool of blood surrounding him. This was mass overkill, the killer went on a frenzy, it is nothing like his previous kills, this felt almost personal, but why. So many questions swam through Reid's mind and yet it was also empty. He couldn't stop thinking about Mitsuki, knowing he was with 'that' man. Reid felt his chest tighten, his heart began to race, breathing grew harder and harder, what was going on? Reid's eyes darted from left to right, he gripped his t-shirt tightly as if he was clawing away at his chest. Everything was spinning, darkness grew in the corner of his eyes, he saw JJ walked hastily towards him before he felt his body hit the floor with force. "Spence".  That was all Reid heard before he blackout. 

When Reid finally woke up, a few hours had passed. Reid woke up in a panic. "Hey! Hey! Calm down kid" It was Rossi. Reid looked around the room, he was back at his apartment. "Mitsuki!" 

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