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The sun creeped through the crack in the curtains, sending a little ray of sunlight right into Reid's eye's causing him to stir. Reid rolled over, wrapping his arm around Mitsuki. Mitsuki groaned in his sleep but Reid pulled himself in closer, lying in head snug into Mitsuki's neck.

The pair stayed like this for a while longer, until Reid's alarm went off waking them both. "Morning beautiful!" Mitsuki's voice was deep and husky when he wakes, his hair laid a mess and eyes tried to adjust to the morning light. Reid looked across to him, smiling. 'Fuck me he's gorgeous' Reid thought. Leaning over and placing a kiss on Mitsuki's soft, pink lips. Mitsuki smirked as he pulled himself up on top of Reid. "Ouch!" Mitsuki gasped as he looked down to see what stabbed him in the leg. "Your friends awake too I see" Mitsuki smirked again as he placed himself comfortably on Reid before leaning down and kissing him.

Things get heated within seconds. The kisses turn wet and sloppy, hands roaming one another's bodies, hips grinding against each other. Small moans slipped from their lips now and then. Mitsuki moved his kisses to Reid's chest, slowly moving them down, closer and closer to his length. Reid gasped, he put his hand on Mitsuki's head lightly, slowly guiding it to his member. A loud moan escaped Spencer's lips as he felt Mitsuki's mouth around the end, his tongue dancing across the tip, teasing Spencer. Mitsuki took in Reid's length, every inch. Reid watched as his head bobbed up and down under the covers, moaning. He sucked in breath through his teeth, knotting his fingers amongst Mitsuki's hair as Reid moved his hips, practically fucking his mouth. "Ahh shit!" Moaned Reid. "That feels good".

After a few more moments, Reid released his lowed in Mitsuki's mouth, moaning his name. Having to bite his lip to stop him from being too loud. Mitsuki snaked his way up out of the sheets, still lying on Reid's chest. "Why didn't you do that last night?" Reid giggled.

"You didn't exactly give me enough time" The pair laughed as they stayed cuddled up for at least another half an hour. "Coffee?" Asked Mitsuki.


"Go on then" Mitsuki laughed, Reid looked at him shocked, in a jokingly way. Reid just huffed and hauled himself out of the covers, he couldn't bring himself to argue with him, not with him looking so cute. He put on his lounge pants and headed into the kitchen, Mitsuki following Reid's butt with his eyes.

Morgan and Hotch were already sat at the monitors, coffee's in hand and faces of grimace. On the monitors was Reid and Mitsuki, engaging in sexual activities, again. "I can't Hotch, I'm turning it off!" Morgan didn't care about his best mate being gay, but he did care about sitting there at 8am watching him getting a blowjob, made his stomach turned. "Why did you have to install audio too, it's worse when you can hear it" Morgan turned off the monitors as Hotch moved away to the table where all the case files sat sprawled out everywhere. "Morgan, I turned off the audio last night..." Hotch giggled to himself as Morgan Realised that the sound wasn't coming through the monitors but through the walls.

"Oh God!" Morgan looked disgusted as he moved away. "I'm going to get proper coffee, you coming?" Hotch turned his head gusting his ear, trying to listen out. "Ahh shit!"

"Yep!" Hotch grabbed his coat and the pair left, quickly.

"How do you like it?" Reid shouted from one room to another.

"Hard and fast" Mitsuki sounded back.

"You're coffee..." Reid raised an eyebrow and shock his head, a little smirk on his face.

"Oh, black and 3 sugars please" Reid carried on making the coffee, when he suddenly felt arms wrap around his waist. "Hello" Mitsuki rested his head on Reid's shoulders.

"Hello" Reid replied, as he unwrapped himself from Mitsuki's grasp, handing him a hot cup of coffee. "I've got to go to work soon, you can either come with me or stay here it?"

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