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"Just over a month ago I made a decision to keep a victim safe, this decision had dire consequences...".

"Hotch where are you going with this?". It was Morgan, he was just as confused as the rest of them, but for some reason, something specific wouldn't leave his mind. "A victim was in severe danger, he was in critical condition, but they managed to stabilize him before airlifting him to another hospital". Reid felt a pain in his chest as if someone had wrapped their hand around his heart and squeezed.

"Hotch, wha-at ar-re you go-oing on ab-bou-tt?" Reid stuttered, images flashed in his head, but it couldn't be true surely.

"Behind closed doors we apprehended the Unsub, safeguarding the victim who until no has stayed within that same hospital, recovering". Everyone was stunned, slowly all looking at Reid who sat paralyzed, not even a blink.

"Yo-ou-re joki-ing me r-right?" Reid looked up at Hotch. But Hotch just shook his head, everyone's eye's still fixed on Reid. "He's alive? Mitsuki, he's alive?". 


The words spun around and around in Spencer's head, he didn't know what the say or think. Was this a dream, 'Am I still sleep right now?' No matter what reasoning he tried to talk his way, it all just didn't seem real. It was until someone jogged him that Reid realized he had actually stopped breathing, "Spence?" JJ soothing and soft voice felt as if it was miles away, everything seemed like it was a mile away. 

"All this time..." Reid said quietly. "All this time!" Reid's voice raised, he became filled with rage, he darted his look towards Hotch who stood at the end off the table. "ALL THIS TIME YOU LIED TO ME AND HE WAS ALIVE!!!" Reid was on his feet, he wanted to go for Hotch, punch him, strangle him, kill him. But something or someone was holding him back. Reid just starred at him, lost for words, his brain became hazy and filled with nothing but fog. After nothing was said for over 30 seconds, a knock came at the door. "Dr Reid, someone hear to see you". One of their fellow agents was stood at the door, a young lad, tall, dark skinned with a tight fitted suite. 

Reid didn't say anything, nor thank the boy, instead, he slowly turned, slowly turn in the direction of the ball pen. There, stood in the middle of the empty room, a tall man with long black hair and beautiful eyes. "Mits..." Reid couldn't finish his sentence, his lower lip began to wobble, tears rolled down his cheeks, his legs felt as if they would just collapse from underneath him. He slowly walked towards the door and Mitsuki walked towards him, he couldn't believe who was only a few feet away from him. He had longed for his embrace, his love, his smell, just everything. Spencer always had things go wrong for him, but this made him forget all those. 

With only 6 feet between them, the shock had finally overcome Reid and without a moments thought he ran towards Mitsuki, who greeted him with open arms. The pair held each other, feel one another, Mitsuki's arm around Reid's neck and Reid's, around his waist. They held each other, to which felt like years but was only a minute or two. Reid's heart, which had stopped the moment he heard he lost Mitsuki, had finally started to beat again, finally feeling his body become warm, he could feel the love causing through his veins again. 

"Spence I am so sorry!" Mitsuki's eyes were full of tears, face red and hot. 

"Don't, please don't be sorry". Reid tone was soft and loving. 

"I did a horrible thing to you, I can't imagine how you were feeling!". Mitsuki bowed his head. 

"But you can, because as much as I didn't have you, you didn't have me either". Reid gave him a small but cute smile, one full of care. 

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