One moment everything was okay...

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Before Reid knew it, it was midnight. The room looked eerie as the moon shone throw the window, illuminating only parts of the room, giving life to everything it touched. The plant leaves looked as if they were fingers, the coat stand looked as if a person was stood watching in the corner of the room. Reid wasn't fully with it to be creeped out, as much as he was terrified of the dark, and Morgan made sure to take the mick out of him for it too.

Reid hauled himself up off the floor, his legs were weak, eyes heavy. He ran his fingers through his hair, combing back. He took the packet of smokes off the table, lighting it up, he breathed out as if it was the first time he has breathed in days. He held that cigarette in between his lips as he turns on his phone. The screen blinding him as he his eyes try and readjust to the harsh light. Nothing. But one simple text.


I never left. 

Reid looked up and turned his head to the door, he opened it up to reveal a sleepy Mitsuki curled up in a ball opposite the door. His hair hung loosely, covering his face completely. Reid bent down, pushing his hair back and tucking it behind his ear. Reid instantly felt less angry, Mitsuki looked so peaceful, like he had no problems, he smiled slightly which made one side of Reid's lip rise into a small smile. 

JJ, Penelope and Rossi were the only ones still awake. Emily was curled up on the sofa, Hotch and Morgan were laid flat out in there beds, still fully clothed. The 3 of them were all sat around the table drinking coffee. JJ turned around as she heard the Reid's door open, the others all looked too. "Reid?" Asked Rossi.

"I'll have a look" JJ headed towards the door, a look through the peep hole. She could see Reid crouched down in front of the young man asleep on the hallway floor. She watched as he stroked his face with the back of his hand, she watched as she saw how he cared for him, how he was so gentle as he tucked his hair behind his ear. She smiled. "Is it him?" Asked Penelope. She turned and nodded. Garcia gave a small little smile. JJ turned looking back through the peep hole. Mitsuki stirred, slowly waking, and she finally heard Reid. "Hey, what are you doing out here?" 

"I couldn't leave you knowing you were in pain" There eyes locked, Mitsuki's eye's were soft, sleepy but Reid could see the love in them, he could see the spark that rose when he saw Reid. "I'm sorry I told you to leave" 

"It's okay, I understood why you did" Mitsuki sat up, Reid held out his hand and Mitsuki reached out, Reid's hand were warm, soft, not the hands you would expect of an FBI agent. Reid helped him up and the pair stood parallel to one another. JJ continued to look through the whole, spying on Reid wasn't the right thing to do at this time, but she was worried about him, she wanted to go out there, apologise, but that could just make matters much worse. Reid has been mad at her before but never like this, she had destroyed all trust he had for her, and it was killing her. Reid was like a little brother to her, knowing that he probably hated her now, broke her heart. 

"Stay with me tonight" Spencer asked. Mitsuki smiled, then nodded. They entwined there fingers and Reid lead him into the apartment. JJ moved away from the door, she was so happy for him, happy that he finally had someone who he cared for and who cared for him. She was never bothered with that fact that he was gay, she always had her suspicions, looking back there was one time when he came round and what he said felt as if he was trying to tell her he didn't feel the same about women that most men did, but she was too busy sorting out Henry to really hear what he was saying. If she had listen to him then, maybe none of this would of happened, but she couldn't be 100% sure and there was no point blaming herself because it will only upset her further. "What happened?"

"It seems Mitsuki never left"


"Mitsuki was asleep outside Spence's door, it seems he didn't want to leave him"

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