Chapter 12

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"Peyton i'm sorry for before," Jack yelled from the front yard, "just come up here," Peyton sighed. Jack walked through the door to up stair and into her room. Dom was standing there in the corner awkwardly. "Oh hey dude..." Jack shrugged as he realised they had company. "Hello Jake,,," "its Jack," Jack rolled his eyes, "i know, i just like pissing people off," he smirked. "Get out!" Peyton spat. "But you just told me-" "We will sort it out," she insisted, leading him to the door. As the door slammed in his face, Peyton turned to jack. "So, how are things going?" Jack chimed. "Well, I found something to do while I have a two day suspension," Peyton smiled. "What?" he curiously came closer to her. "Well I went down to the local rescue and they are going to save those poor cats from the mill and give these cats a home." Her sweet heart was beating with happiness. "I hope you can leave that place without adopting another animal," Jack grinned. "Doubt it," Peyton smirked, "your doing a good thing," Jack hugged her proudly. "It feels good to help creatures in need," she admitted, "your brothers need serious help though," he joked with amusement. "Maybe, but at least there's someone responsible in this household." She thought to herself for a minute about her past. "I'm coming with you, I have shit classes anyway," he insisted. "Jack, ill be fine by myself, and besides, i have Milo," she grinned. "No but seriously, I don't want to do that test," he frowned. "You have to, you don't need to end up being suspended with me," she shoved him. "Your worth getting in trouble for," he shrugged. "Fine but my mum cant know about this, or your mum, I'm already in enough trouble," she sighed. "Wow you mum cares for once?" he laughed. "I know its stupid, for a selfish bitch she is doing alright," she laughed with him. "Hey, can I stay over?" he asked, "I guess," she smirked. "I'll text my mum to tell her im staying at 'Finn's'" he explained. She nodded and got her laptop out, "what you doing?" he asked as he put his phone down, "research." "On what?" he curiously kneeled over her and read the screen. "Do you mind?" she laughed. "Not at all," he winked. "I am getting a bird," she admitted. "I knew it! you make it obvious when something is different by the look on your face," Jack smiled. "I guess so," she grinned. "Peyton dinner!" she heard the daily warning from Riley once again. "Coming," she yelled aggressively. "Come join us," she offered. "Nah its alright, besides, remember im not meant to be here," he reminded her. "Oh true, i will bring left overs up," she insisted. He nodded with thanks and waiting as she ran downstairs. He looked around her room with a grin, "how did i end up with such an amazing soul in my life?" she wondered. She heard a scratching noise at the door which disrupted his thinking. He approached the door slowly, peeking out, luckily it was only Milo. "Hey pup," he smiled, sitting on the bed with him jumping all over him. After half an hour of waiting, Peyton opened the door quickly with anger in her eyes. Jack turned and looked at her with confusion. "What's up?" he asked nervously. "Its just my mum..." she sighed. "She pissed you off? well that's not surprising," he furiously held her close with sorrow. "You truly deserve better, a home with a nice mother and father," he frowned. "Its okay, I'm used to it, my father was a dick, left when my mum fell pregnant with Alex, Dom, Riley and Sam hate even thinking about it because Alex was result of a filthy crime, you might think rape is only when the person is a stranger or they don't have a love connection but if they don't want it, it counts. My dad sexually abused her a lot, but my mum stayed with him just for us, until-" she stopped in a stutter as tears rolled down her face, "until what?" Jack asked desperately with sad eyes. "Until my dad went a little too far, my mum was nearly killed, he tried to murder her," she wailed. "Omg, I never knew you had this bad of a life," he cried with her, "I'm so sorry this happened," he sulked. "Hey, i need you to be strong for me," he asked, "things will get better, I'm here for you," he wiped his last tear and looked into her broken eyes. "I know, but I wish my mum was a better person, she does drugs now and she hasn't been normal for years," she added. Jack was shocked. "I'm going to sleep," she sighed, "alright," he sighed back. He helped her into bed and pulled the covers over her, "good night," he smiled and kissed her. He set up a mattress on the floor next to her and tried to close his eyes, but he just looked up at her sadly, waiting for her to fall asleep. "I can't sleep," she sighed. "Me either," he frowned. Peyton stared at him with a wide grin. "Come up here and keep me company?" she asked. Jack shrugged and sat on her bed. "Maybe i can sleep if your here with me," she thought. "Alright," he got under the cover and lay next to her. She started to drift off straight away, "Okay then," he sighed and closed his eyes again. He felt an arm wrap around him randomly as he had just gotten comfortable. He just lay there and said nothing, he though about the last time he had slept with her. What if her mum walked in awkwardly and everything would be ruined. It doesn't look right to be with her.

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