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I walked into the house to see all these people inside.

I look at Louis and he looked the same as me confused and worried.

“ surprise” they all say turning around.

I started to smile.

Their was a party inside my house for me and Louis.

Everyone was their.

My aunties and uncles friends well Brooke, Sophie, molly and the red head and so many other people.

Their was a dj playing and people dancing everywhere.

“ omg!” I say shocked.

Harry grabs my hand and pulls me through the house to where the dj was playing and started to dance.

“ when did this get organised?” I ask.

“ when you were at school each day.”

I swung my arms around him and kissed him.

“ thank you”

“ don’t thank me , thank your mum and dad.”

“ so that barbeque at lunch was for all this to happen”

Harry nodded.

I let go of him and ran looking for mum.

I found her talking to Louis out in the kitchen.

“ thank you mum” I say interrupting.

“ your welcome darling”

 I gave her a hug and left knowing what Louis and mum where talking about wasn’t something I needed to get into.

I walked back into the dance room to find Gemma dancing with the boys.

I joined in to see Brooke talking to Harry over in the corner.

I looked at them for a minute and slowly walked over to see Brooke look at me.

“ Gabby!!”

She swung her arms around me and sung happy birthday before walking off.

I looked at Harry who looked quiet stressed and he smiled as if saying I’m fine.

I danced and danced till food was up and dad and Emilia walked in with pizza.

My favourite was on the menu.

The lot with extra mushroom.

I sat outside with Niall and couldn’t hold it in much longer.

“ I think Brookes trying it on Harry”

He looks at me.

“ what “

“ she was talking to him and he did not look happy”

“ what you going to do?” he asks curious.

“ I don’t know…”


just wondering if anyone had any ideas on what they would wont to see happen im alittle stuck for further into the storie so if anyone has anygood ideas on what could and what you would like to happen dont be afraird to comment. thanks guys xx loving the votes and comments.

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