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thanks for the

Chapter 41.

Five years later.

“ are you sure you will be okay?”

“ yes, I will be fine”

“ and you promise you want forget about me ?”

“ I don’t see why you cant come “

Sam puts his hand on my face and kiss’s my cheek.

“ you know why!”

I shook my head as he places his arms around me.

“ you go and have fun visiting your family and ill see you when you get back”

I looked up at Sam and gave him a quick kiss.

“ ill see you in a few weeks.”

I gave him another hug and took my bag.

“ ill see you soon”  Sam says  as I walk down the loading dock.

I gave him one more wave before sitting down in my seat.

My life had changed so much since I got into the university.

I got a PHD and now work as a dolphin handler at sea world ( gold coast Australia), I live with my boyfriend Sam who works with me, and I am now the amazing age of 23.

I walked down the airport strip to see millions of people hovering around.

“ what the hell is going on?” one of the ladies behind me says as we walk into the main airport.

I look at the video cameras and the millions of girls screaming and chanting some  name. I start to try and push through when I hear someone scream.


I turn around and see a brown haired guy smiling at me. My heart lit up and  I bolted towards Louis swinging my arms and body around his.

“ you look beautiful “

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and waited for him to drop me.

I slid my hand into his and we walked out of the airport with three body guards helping us through the swarm of people.

“ so how are you?”

I slid into the black van behind Louis and nod.

“ I’m fine”

“ how’s being a dolphin hugger?”

“ how’s being a famous singer”

Louis laughs and wraps his arm around me.

“ I cant wait for you to meet Eleanor”

Ahhh yes Louis’s new girlfriend, I wonder what she will be like.

“ cant wait” I say looking out the window.

I walked into Louis’s apartment to see everyone their. Mum, dad, Emilia, Blaine, summer, Zayn, Liam, and Niall.

“ GABBYY!!!” they all scream.

Mum and dad come up to me and fling their arms around me.

“ so good to have you home” they say to me.

They slowly let go and Louis pulls me through everyone else and stops me in front of a girl.

“ gabby this is…”

“ Eleanor so nice to finally meet you “ I say stopping him.

“ you too”

She was cute , I could tell that Louis was head over heals for her.

“ gabby”

I turn around and see a little tiny five year old running towards me.

“ summer , you are one cutie”

She jumps up and I slide her onto the side of my body.

“ how are you sweetie”

“ good”

Summer gives me a big sloppy kiss and then jumps back down running to Emilia.

I walk over to Emilia and give her a hug looking at Blaine with a shocked face.

“ what?” he asks confused.

“ you , are looking hot” I say swinging an arm around him and kissing his cheek.

“ good to see you Gab” he whispers to me.

Blaine lets go of me and I look over at the boys who were talking in the corner.

I run up and swings my arms Zayn’s back and I feel him jump.

He turns around and swings his arms around me.

“ gabby , gabby , gabby”

He kiss’s my cheek and I feel Niall’s arms come around me.

“ you have grown up so much”

I looked at him and shook my head.

“ have you grown?”

Niall nods which made me laugh. A 23 year old man is still able to grow.. must be an Irish thing.

I look at Liam who was looking at me and he gave me a cheeky smile.

I slid my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

“ good to see you babe” he says to me.

“ how have you been ?” Liam asks me as I sat around outside banana lounge chairs.

“ good”

“ where do you work?” Niall asks.

“ at sea world”

“ what do you do their?”

“ I work with the dolphins”

“ fish girl” Zayn says shaking his head.

Liam’s phone goes off and he soon starts to stand up.

“ I got to go guys”

They all give him a wave and he kiss’s me on the cheek.

“ were is he going?” I ask once he was inside.

“ his girlfriend” Louis says to me.

“ Liam has a girl friend”

Every one nodded.

“ do you ?” I ask Niall.

Niall shook his head.

I looked at Zayn and he nodded.

“ what’s her name?”

“ Liam’s is Daniele and Zayn’s is peppa”

“ why didn’t you guys tell me?”

They shrug their shoulders and I slowly stand up.

“ I’m tied , I’m going to go , ill see you guys later” I say giving them all a hug.

“ your in Harrys old room” Louis yells at me.

I turn around confused.

“ old room”

“ yeah, he lives with his fiancé “

I gave them a smile and nodded before walking inside.

“ well theirs something you don’t here every day “

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