5 New Haven

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“Have you ever been in a limousine before?” Aaron’s question startled me. My head was sticking outside of the rooftop window from his fancy black limousine. When I got down I saw his smirk. “No,” I answered shortly. “Well, there is first time for everything. Right? “ He lifted his sunglasses up with a quick move and his right hand was rubbing the end of his cane.

We were sitting opposite to each other, my back was facing the direction where the driver was taking us. Aaron turned his head to his right and if you wouldn’t know that he was blind you would have guessed that he was watching the views from car window. I pushed the button next to me and the rooftop window closed slowly.

“You could have kept it open if you wanted to,” Aaron sounded amused. “Got enough already,” I murmured and stared outside of the window. The scenes were changing rapidly. We had left the countryside where his so called mansion was located. The ride seemed to take forever but at least it was much more comfortable that I had been got used to during the years of my escape. It is much more comfortable to sit the whole journey on a soft seat than run as fast as you can and take short brakes sitting on rocks.

The surroundings started to change slowly as we were closing in a bigger city. Traffic got bigger and I felt nervous. Normally I stayed far away from cities but maybe I could do something different for while. I haven’t seen no one from the Organization for months. Maybe it would be safe?

The limousine made a curve and we arrived to a yard with nice looking buildings. We were at New Haven and arrived finally at Yale University. I tried to hide my excitement but Aaron seemed to notice the small sound that came through. “Judging by your reaction we have arrived.” His words caused me to blush, interacting with people wasn’t my thing.

I tried to change the subject, “So what are your big plans since you applied here?” He started to laugh and lifted the sun glasses on his forehead. His blue eyes were almost like watching me even though they were still. He is really good in finding people’s positions just by his hearing. “No big plans actually, I am quite old already to apply here. Took me long enough to convince the people who take care of my funds.” He was smiling even though he sounded serious.

“Why are they taking care of your funds?” Maybe I asked too directly since he went silent. For my relief he chuckled, “I just turned twenty-one so their reign over the business and funds my parents left me was ending. However they would like to be in charge despite of me being 21 since I am incapable for it. At least they think like that.” He placed the sun glasses back to his nose and was playing with his cane, throwing it from hand to another.

The driver stop before a big building and told Aaron that he is getting the keys to his apartment.  Aaron simply nodded and lifted the window back up after hearing what the driver had to say. “Why they think that you are incapable for running your family business and deciding things by your own?” Suddenly he threw his glasses off and was just few inches away from my face. “Because of this,” his voice was filled with annoyance as he pointed at his eyes. They didn’t trust him because of his blindness. “Oh, I am sorry.”

The driver returned to car and then drove us next to a beautiful building. It wasn’t one of the usual dorms but a two storey high tile building. “I have the upstairs,” he stated while we went in. There were two guys staring at us when we went upstairs, there was a door on the end of the stairs. He really had an apartment of his own. There was a small kitchen, bedroom, living room and bathroom. It wasn’t a mansion but for most of the regular students this must be heaven. The driver brought a box with him that contained books. However I couldn’t read what books they were since they were done with blind writing using dots.

“Make yourself at home,” he started to walk around the apartment. This time he used his cane a lot hitting it from wall to furniture and moving slower than usual. He went to kitchen and I heard a loud thumb with “Crap!”. When I went to kitchen I saw him kneeling on the floor and his hands facing the ground. He had tripped on a broom that was sticking from the doorway. “Let me help you,” I took his hand in mine but he slapped it away. “Let me do it myself!” He hissed between his teeth.

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