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- Enemy -

"Um... Jack, I was wondering if you're in a relation...ship?" I ask very shyly and nervous "Um... no I don't" he says well we walk in history class I sit in a seat next to Jack and Punzie "Alright students! My name is Miss. Rowena and I am your new history teacher. Lets get to it! Who has heard of the war of 1812?" Miss. Rowena says "I have" I say raising my hand "Well good for you. Cause we have a surprise test today" declares Miss. Rowena "What?" said all the students but me. She handed us are 7 page test. "Alright your 30 minutes start's NOW!" Miss. Rowena said well sitting down at her desk.


1. What is the year of this war?

⚪ 1984






2. What province did we invade?

⚪United States Of America






3. Would you like to be I the war of 1812?






4. If you were in the war of 1812 do you think you would die?






5. What do you think the war of 1812 was about?





6. What do you like about the war of 1812?





7. If one of your friend's decided to be in the war of 1812 would you let them? Why?






"Jack..." I whisper "Ya?" he says out loud "M. Frost be quiet!" yells Miss. Rowena "Um... Does this go on our result card?" I ask "No y?" Jack whispers back "Just wondering" I whisper well looking back at my page.

- 20 minutes later -

Ah now I am finished! Lets take a review of my test...


1. What is the year of this war?




2. What province did we invade?

✔United States of America



3. Would you like to be in the war of 1812?



4. If you where in the war if 1812 do you think you would die?



5. What do you think the war of 1812 was about?

I think it was about getting more

room in Canada. Also the biggest

province except Canada is the

United States of America.

6. What do you like about the war of 1812?

I don't like anything because I hate death and its a part of life to die but not in a war.

7. If one of your friends decided to go on the war if 1812 would you let them? Why?

No I would not let my friend go because I care about him/her very much. I would not let him/her die in a war.


"I'm finished" I said raising my hand. "Alright... Do something well you wait" said Miss. Rowena. "Ok?" I say. I look behind me to a girl with Purple hair and it wearing a flower crown and a vest with owl's on it and a pair of skinny jeans. She was giving me a death glare for a minute then went back to the test. The bell rang and everybody went to there lockers. I looked at my paper and I seen the number on my locker. "Jack, where is locker 291?" I ask him "Over there" he says pointing in the opposite direction if his locker. I walked to my locker and opened it a letter fell out. I read it...



Meet me in the Art room in 15 minutes.



- 15 minutes later -

I walked into the art room and I seen nobody. 2 seconds later the girl that gave me a death glare walked in "Um... May I help you?" I asked "Ya. Girls" she said and 2 girls ran in and tied me up to a chair "Let me go!" I say well struggling "No. Girls put this in her mouth "What?" I say and the girls put a white clothe on my mouth "Im warning you Newbie... Jack Frost is mine. You try to make him yours... You'll regret it. And btw my name is Violet" she said and her and the other girls walked out like it was nothing.

- 27 minutes later -

After struggling a lot the clothe fell of of my mouth "Help! Someone! Help!" I yelled "Elsa?!" Jack said untying me from the uncomfortable char "What happened to you?" he asked "Violet" I say well i accidentally bumped into him. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mea-" I say but get cut of by him kissing me. Passionately...


There' s chapter 2!! Hoped you liked it! Please comment, vote and follow!!!!!!!!!! Thanks bye!!!!!!!!!!



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