Zip Zap

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- Zip Zap -

"What was that Elsa?!" Jack asks me "Violet... p-" 💥ZAP💥 "Ow!!!" I say well purposely falling on the bed "Elsa what is that thing!" jack asks me and he leans closer 💥ZAP💥 *faint* "Elsa! Elsa!" Jack screams but I black out.

[Jack's P.O.V]

"Elsa! Elsa!" I yell but no answer. "Elsa" I say well grabbing the phone "Hello?" I hear a voice say "Ya it's Jack! Violet! What did you do to Elsa!!!!!" I yell "Oh... nothing much... only thought her a lesson" Violet says sweetly "What is this thing on her neck?!" I yell "Its a necklace, Stupid" Violet says "No it's not!" I say and hang up the phone. "Elsa... please wake up" I said well taking off the 'Necklace' "I have to examine this" I say well going to the nurses desk. I looked for a pen and a sticky note and success.

Dear Elsa,

I went to

Examine the



I didn't know where to put the note so I just randomly stuck it on her face.

- In the science lab -

"Hiccup. Do you know what this is?"

*looks at it*

"I don't mean to use this kind of language but WTF?!" he said well looking at me "Hey don't look at me it's Violets zappy thingy!" I tell

him "Well go see Elsa and ask her about this thingy" he says and I run to the nurses.

I walk in and Elsa is standing up with on hand on her hip and one hand holding the sticky note "Thanks for the shade Frost!" she growls "Hey, I came here to ask you if you where ok and to give this to you" I say well handing her the zappy thingy and hugging her. She puts the necklace back on and hugs back. 💥Zip💥Zap💥Zip💥 "Ouch!!!" she says well falling in my arms I slowly advance my head to hers and I kiss her. 💥Zip💥Zap💥Zip💥Zap💥Zip💥💥Zap💥Zip💥Zap💥Zip💥Zap💥Zip💥Zap💥Zip💥Zap💥Zip💥

*Black Out*

- Next morning -

"Help...Jack...Help me" I say well still sleeping "Ah!" I yell well jumping up "Elsa?" I hear Anna ask nocking on the door. "Ya" I say well rubbing my eyes "Are you ok?" she asks me "Ya I'm fine" I say "Ok, well it's the weekend so get some sleep" she says "What?! It's the weekend but yesterday was Tuesday!" I say "Oh ya... you slept 4 days away" she yells and closes her door "Jack" I say well jumping out of bed and grabbing my cell "Oh ya I don't have his number. Ill go see hi- wait I can't! I don't know where he lives! Wait I know!" I put down my cell and walk to my closet. I decide to where my sparkly white shirt and some black jeans with a pair of red flats and my snowflake earrings.

- Later -

I finally get to where I wanted to go. I push the buzzer and I wait. A couple seconds later I hear a buzz and the door unlock's and I walk in... I walk down the hall to the principals office. "Professor?" I ask "Come in darling" he says and I do so. "Well Elsa why are you here on a Saturday?" he asks me "Well I was wondering... if... you knew where Jack Frost lives?" I ask nicely "Of course but one thing... Why are you asking for his address?" He asks me "It's just I went to the nurses office on Tuesday and I blacked out and the only thing I saw last was Jack on Tuesday and the last thing I know it's Saturday" I say "It's 256 California avenue" he says to me "Thanks!" I say well running out of the school. "I'm coming Jack... don't worry... I'm fine... wait for me..." I say well running around.

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