End of year

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and Hermione Pov.

"Just relax."I said.(Y/n) nodded close her eyes and relax.Next thing (Y/n) was under us.I do the same.

"Hermione,(Y/n)!!"Ron yelled.

"It's okay just relax and it will leave you."(Y/n) said.Harry do what we said and he was done in a second.I smiled.

"Are you okay?"(Y/n) asked.

"Yeah I'm fine,but we have to save Ron."Harry said.Ron was breathing heavily.

"Relax,Ron,Relax!!!"I yelled.It was looking that he didn't heard me.

"What do we do?"Harry asked.

"We have to find another way and I know there is....what are they afraid of?"I said.Next thing that happend (Y/n) yelled "Lumus Solem!"I smiled.

"Ron was quickly on the ground.We help him up.

"Than god that you two listen to the Herbology."Harry said.Me and (Y/n) smiled and look at each other.

"Yeah.Like we are twins."(Y/n) joke.I smiled.

"Than god that we didn't panic!"Ron said.All three looked at him.

"What?!"He said back.Seriously!How did we became friends.

"Do you heard that?"(Y/n) asked.

"Yeah what is that?"I asked.

"It sounds like wings."Harry said looking at us.

We all followed the voice and we came in the room full of flying golden 'keys'.Wow.

"I never read about those."I said.

"Curious.I don't even know about this birds."(Y/n) said.

"They are not birds,this are flying keys and I bet that one of them opened that door."Harry said pointing to the door.We all look that was.In the middle of the room was a broom.

"What is this all about?"I said.

"I don't know."Harry said.Ron get out his wand and started walking to the door.He said Alohomora.He sigh and looked at me.

"It was worth to try."He said.

"What are we going to do now.There is more that thousands keys.Have do we know which is the right?"I said and leaned next to the wall.

"There is it.That one with the broken wing!"(Y/n) yelled and pointed to the key.

"Come on Harry.You can do it."She said.I saw that he looked down at the broom.

"It's too simple."He said.

"If Snape can do it,you can do it."Ron said.Harry grabs the broom and we heard a voice.

"Harry quickly get up and find the key."(Y/n) yelled.

"Who he really complicate things."Ron said.Harry get up in the sky and started to get to the broken-wing key.He was flying up and down,right and left and when he finally get it he quickly get down troves the key to (Y/n) and (Y/n) quickly run to us.She tries and tries and she finally opened the door.Harry quickly get inside and we quickly closed the door.

"This keys are murder weapons."(Y/n) said.

Harry Pov.

I was before the team and my scar was burning.Ow.I started walking to the room and I saw that there was a human and a mirror.

"It's you.No it can't be Snape,he will do that!"I said.He looked at me and said.

"Yes all.Every one will try and said that Snape was that one,but nobody thinks about Professor Quirinus Quirrell.

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