5. Philocaly

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Mature content: Mature language used in this chapter! Read with caution x



"The love of beauty."
- St. Augustine


"So, firstly um, I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for attending. It is absolutely thrilling to see you all here to celebrate my father tonight." I speak directly into the microphone as I look out onto the people sitting at different tables, watching me. It sort of reminds me of the VMA awards but a classier and more formal version of it.

"My father has always been a strong working man and has made not only his family proud but his friends, his colleagues, his business partners and anyone who is graced to meet him. I'm so proud of you dad and I'm completely honoured to be standing here and to be presenting this award to you. Passing this achievement onto you, It makes me want to make you proud of my footsteps in the world and to become just like you. So, this award goes to you dad. Thank you for creating everything we are!" I say happily before raising the award up in the air as the chorus of 'The Man' by Aloe Blacc plays.

My father stands up as cheers emit from everyone around him. He makes his way up to the stage as people pat him on his shoulder and clap loudly for him. With a smile, my father hugs me tightly, kissing my temple before pulling away. I lift the award towards him and he takes it gingerly. He then steps up to the microphone before thanking everyone and illustrating his favourite memories of working in the business and creating it. By the end of his speech, there are a few people wiping away tears due to his heart touching farewell to the colleagues he's been with for years.

"My friends now is not a time for sadness, its a time of joy and rebirth! A new era starts now, it starts with my two boys! I'm sure they'll carry on my legacy and continue to make this business the light in the lives of our customers. I'm eternally grateful for the magic we've created! Thank you everyone!" My father smiles and raises his award up as everyone cheers hysterically. As he descends the stairs of the stage, people stand up and clap for him as they cheer.

I follow him down the steps and look at all the faces smiling back at me. I shake some of their hands as they congratulate me. It makes me feel so proud of my family and myself for how far we've come in this business. We've had a lot of ups and downs during the progress of the business with my father not being around much and the strain that my mother went through without him, raising 3 kids on her own.

"Thank you." I grin at a woman who congratulates me for my father's success before shaking her hand. I take my seat next to Klaus as the celebration commences. Music starts playing and people get up to chat or dance when Klaus turns to me and smiles.

"Amazing speech Mia, you did great." he whispers before adjusting his suit and getting up. I smile as I watch him go over to some of our business partners to discuss what would probably be business.

I watch my mother and father talk together and laugh at each other as they snuggle close to one another. They deserve so much happiness because they sacrificed their love for so many other things in life. Smiling, I stand up to grab a glass of punch since my throat is quite dry after that speech. When I reach the table I spoon a serving of punch into a small glass, I watch the purple liquid fall into the glass smoothly. Oddly, it was a calming moment compared to the loud chattering and music around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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