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You take him back to your wooden house and open the door.

You carried him to your room and lays him on your bed.You touch his forehead and you felt heat.

He suddenly grab your hand thit and looks at you in pain."Isabella....where...are you?"he start dropping tears from his eyes down to his cheek.

"I...I..miss you so much..."he start coughing out blood.You hurry up and get a bucket and wet towel.

For a few minute he fall asleep,you wonder whoes Isabella that his calling and why is he crying?

You touch his forehead again and his not hot anymore,you check his arms where you wrapped with bandages.

You look at him and realize his handsome,you blush and swipe his bangs to the side from his face.

You smiled.

You start wondering who is he?You felt that his not human.

You start taking off his sweaty shirt and unbuttoned his black shirt,half way he grab your waist and looks at you with a stare.

"What are you doing?"he stares at you.

"Im..Im trying to change you a new shirt"you blushed.

He sat up on your bed with his shirt unbuttoned half."where am I?"he asked.

"You in my house...And you saved my life"

"I...see..."he looks at you and realized you look like someone he loved.

"Isa-no...."he looked other side.

"Eh?"you confused.

"I don't need your help,your in my way"he said trying to get off bed.

Not even a "thank you"?How rude.

"Wait...Your hurt badly"you tried to stop him from moving.

"What?Im not-"he looked at his arms and shocked, remembering the past that his been through.

"I was attacked ...And you killed the monster...I think"you said.

He looks at you tears in his eyes again.It was cute but somehow you felt sad for him.

𝑀𝑦 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑚  𝐑𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐗𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [Complete]✔︎Where stories live. Discover now