Chapter 5 Kakuzu's Money Theif

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"Two-thousand fourty, Two-thousand fourty-one, Two-thousand fourty-two. Uuuuuugh! Kakuzu can I take a break please? I'm tiiiiireeeeda!" I whined.

"No! Time is money and Leader-Sama and Konan gave me their turns for a reason!"

"Yeah cause you bribed them..." I mumbled.

"I have an important meeting with my assistant. I'll be right back and keep counting!" Kakuzu said leaving.

I was already counting with him for an hour and a half, my eyes were so tired from looking at the money and I got an idea. I remembered seeing a phone book in the living room so I went and got it then I got the phone. I bet your wondering why I didn't call for help right? Well I didn't know the number to anyone that would help me and the phone book only had a list of take out places and pharmacies.

I dialed the number to Little ceacers and someone picked up.

"Hi, I need a large peperoni pizza with pinapple thats been put on after its baked, I also need extra cheese on it, chessey bread, a two leader of vanilla coke, crazy bread annnnnd......" I trailed off looking around and thinking when I spotted Tobi.

That's when I realized I couldn't go anywhere to get the pizza and I couldn't tell the guy where to deliver it if I didn't know where I was.

"Hey Tobi! You want some pizza?!" I called over and Tobi perked up.

"Tobi loves pizza! Is it alright with Kakuzu-Sama?"

I nodded.

"He left me in charge of his money didn't he?" I said putting my feet on the table and leaning back in the chair.

"Tobi wants sasuage on his pizza!"

"Ok anything else?"


I smiled and put the phone up to my ear.

"I also need ranch dressing, another large pizza with cheese and sasuage and...Tobi what do you want to drink?"

"Tobi wants 7 up!"

"And a two leader of 7 up. K thanks, bye." I said and hung up. "K Tobi I need you to take the money to Little Ceacers and pay the guy and bring our food back. Can you do that?" I asked and Tobi saluted me.


I smiled more. Tobi was so easy to control.


Later on Tobi came back with the pizza and we ate on the couch while watching TV. I used Kakuzu's credit card number so we could watch prenium on demand. We ended up watching all the episodes to Ouran high school host club. I looked at myself and was disgusted with my dirty clothes.

I wrinkled my nose and looked up another number in the walmart catalogue this time. I ordered a bunch of womenly products, shampoos, and clothes. Tobi went to get everything after I paid over the phone. I felt like a princess and Tobi was my loyal servant.

I grinned when I realized how pissed Kakuzu will be when he finds out. That's one more guy who will never get me prego. Me and Tobi had a pillow fight and started jumping on the couch while listening to I'm only me when I'm with you by Taylor Swift.

I was laughing while I tried singing and hitting Tobi with the pillow. I was having a blast! I was wearing a light pink tank top that had a bunny on it and fuzzy pink and orange pj pants that had hearts on it.

"Well I'm only up when your not down! Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground, it's like no matter what I do! Well you drive me crazy half the time! The other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true!" I sang and did a monkey leap at Tobi knocking him to the ground. "And I'm only meeeeee when I'm with you!" I began laughing. "I win!"

I got off of Tobi and we began laughing.

"MISAKI!!!!!!!!" Kakuzu yelled.

"Uh oh..."

"You ordered pizza?! And you bought new clothes and things?! And you bought prenium on demand?! That costed me a fortune! Not to metion you ruined the pillows and got ranch on the couch along with soda!"

"Heh heh...Yeah well you did leave me in charge of your money..." I said with an awkward smile.

"I'll kill you!"

I quickly pointed to Tobi before he could strangle me.

"Tobi's the one who went out to collect the things for me!" I yelled then whispered a sorry to Tobi before running off to my bedroom.

I smiled.

'Man this is all way too easy! Who knew the big bad Akatsuki would be so easilly manipulated?' I thought as I got in bed to sleep. 'I never knew it would be so fun to be in the Akatsuki....'


Yeah short, late, I know and I iz sorry! But my computer broke from a virus so I have to borrow my moms everytime I want to update something. I'll work on it and I have a better idea of what to do with the next chapter.

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