Chapter six: Her

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The next couple of days passed by pretty quickly for me. I was starting to get bored of not having a lot to do and I thought it was time I started making my own money. My dad can't pay for my life forever, even if he makes a lot of money. It was time to get a job. I didn't have much experience in anything and I never figured out what I wanted to do with my life so I was in a bit of a slump. But I decided to go down into town and look in some cafes or stores.
I didn't want to do it. My mind didn't want to do it. Neither did my heart. But I had no choice. I needed to do something about my life; I couldn't stay in my apartment all day.
The sun was high in the sky and it was actually warm. Summer must be coming. I put on my denim jacket and started heading out the door.

Town was booming today and there was a market set up along the streets. I didn't like it. There were too many people. But I couldn't turn back now, and plus, I didn't have the effort to walk home. I shut my eyes, took a deep breath and clenched my fists. There was no way, I was going to make it through this. But I had to and so I set one foot in front of the other and headed into the depths of town.
I found three cafes who were looking for cashiers but I decided that if I was going to get a job, I wanted as little contact with people as I could get. That might have been a little difficult to find but I was praying.

I found a bookstore called Deluxe Reading. I stopped in front of the store and read the small white paper stuck to the glass.

Looking for someone to help unpack and restock books.

That's something I could do. It didn't involve talking to customers. Or at least I didn't think it did. But then a million bad thoughts started running through my mind. Who would want to hire someone like me? I'm unstable and constantly break down. They can't have a worker who's emotionally unstable. They couldn't trust me. I could break at any moment and then what would they do? My eyes started prickling with tears. How could I think I was actually suitable for having a job? I really am stupid.
"You thinking about applying?" A voice, smooth and casual said from beside me. I shook myself out of my thoughts and looked at the girl beside me. She smiled at me. She was tall and had silver coloured hair with eyes like honey. They looked intense and I felt like they were staring into my soul.
"I was just, I," I stuttered not really knowing how to reply. She put her hand on my shoulder which surprised me. She seemed very friendly.
"I think you should apply. This place is the best. I've been working here for a year now and I love it! Everyone is super friendly and really sweet," she explained. "I'm Remedy."
"Nevada," I smiled. Remedy stuck out her hand for me to shake it and I did.

Remedy and I walked instead the store and I had a look around. The place had an amazing collection of books. It filled my heart with warmth. I loved books. It made me really want to apply. Maybe working here wasn't such a bad idea. From what Remedy had told me, it sounded like a very pleasant place to work and who knows, maybe it would do me some good. Remedy walked over to me and placed a book on the shelf beside me.
"Gee, some customers have no respect. Too lazy to put a book back in its place. But anyway, what ya' think? You gonna' apply?" She looked at me with this hope in her eyes and it made me feel wanted. So I said yes and she handed me an application form and a pen. I sat down on the black leather sofa that was in the middle of the store. I placed the form on the coffee table and began filling it out. But then a woman, maybe in her middle thirties, walked up to me and sat down next to me.
"I see your applying for the unpack and restock section," she commented. I nodded. "Well, put down that pen and come with me to my office. Remedy told me about you and she seems to think you'd be a good fit and I trust her judgement. So let's just skip to the interview." I must have looked shocked because she laughed at me and told me not to look so serious.

We walked into a room behind the counter. It was a small room with a desk and a filing cabinet. I sat down in the chair in front of the desk and folded my hands in my lap. I tried to look as casual and cool as I could. I didn't want to seem unstable.
"Now. Let's start off with introductions. I'm Poppie and I run this store. Remedy said your name is Nevada?" she asked, wanting to be sure.
"Yes." I nodded.
"Have you ever worked in a bookstore before Nevada?"
"No. I don't have much experience with this sort of stuff. I haven't really had a proper job before," I admitted because I wanted to be honest. Poppie nodded slightly and typed something into her laptop.
"I see. Well hey, that's okay. You don't really need any sort of experience for this sort of stuff and Remedy can teach you. She works in the U&R section too." I raised my eyebrows questioningly.
"Unpack and Restock," Poppie smiled. She continued to type on her laptop and I began to feel anxious. What was she writing? Do I look crazy? Control yourself Nevada. Breathe.
"Honestly, I'm an easy woman. It doesn't take much to please me and I like you. You seem like you'd be good at the job and wouldn't fool around. So, how about you start fully tomorrow? I can show you around first today and then you can start properly tomorrow at 10?"

I gasped because I was surprised how easy it was. I didn't think I could actually get a job. Poppie laughed and smiled at me.
"Is that okay with you Nevada?"
"Yes! Yes, thank you so much. Oh my god," I squealed. This was amazing. I had made progress. I was making progress and I was so happy. I did something right for once. I hugged Poppie, not being able to contain my joy. She giggled and patted me on the back. We then got up and left her office and she started to show me around.


As I was about to leave Deluxe Reading I heard someone shout my name. "Hey, Nevada! Wait up!" It was Remedy. She clutched her bag and jogged to catch up with me.
"Hey, you got the job. That's awesome!" she laughed.
"Yeah, I'm actually really excited. Something is going my way for once," I said more to myself than to Remedy.
"Well, I can't wait to work with you! I think we'll make a good team." I smiled and we walked for a while. I liked Remedy. She was easy to talk to and she was chill. It felt nice talking to someone like a friend again. It had been awhile since I had a girlfriend to hang with.
"Hey, can I give you my number?" she asked. I took out my phone, handed it to her and watched as she typed in her number and name.

"We should hang sometime! You seem cool," Remedy pursed her lips and made a funny face. I laughed. She made socializing seem so easy.
"Yeah, I'd love that." She smiled and fist bumped me then she walked her way and I walked mine.

For once, in a long time, things were working out. I told myself this would work and I'd be okay. At least this job would take my mind off things. Take it one step at a time Nevada. One step at a time.  

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