Chapter Eight: Her

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Remedy and I walked into Books & Beans, one of the best cafes there was in the town. It was our lunch break. There was books, books and books everywhere. Piled on tables in the corners, lined on shelves on the walls. In the bookcases by the back. It was so cosy and quiet too. It wasn't a very popular cafe which I couldn't understand why. They sold the best coffee. But I guess I liked that it was unpopular because it was always quiet and it felt like I had the place to myself.
I strolled down to a table in the back, by the bookcases while Remedy ordered us coffee. I placed my bag on the ground and searched the bookcase. Remedy joined me at the table with two wondrous cups of coffee. She placed them gently on the table and put her bag with mine on the floor. I grabbed the cup and brought it up to my face. The coffee's aroma was delightful, the scent of vanilla wafted from it and it filled me with joy. I closed my eyes and took a sip. The warmth filled my mouth and it had a mild sweetness to it.

Remedy looked down into her coffee. She hadn't said much that day. We had mostly made small talk. There had to be something wrong.
"Remedy?" She blinked a couple of times as if she just remembered where she was.
"Yeah?" she said as she sipped her coffee.
"Is everything okay? Is there something bothering you?" Remedy looked up and stared out the window. She sighed and looked back down into her coffee.

"It's my brother..." I didn't even know she had a brother. "He's... he's sick." My eyes widened.

"He has leukaemia," she whispered. I gasped and placed my hand on hers.

"Oh Remedy, I'm so sorry," I croaked. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to prevent herself from crying. I remember when my grandma had leukaemia when I was 7. She died 8 months after she was diagnosed.

Remedy opened her eyes and smiled sadly.
"He's on chemo. But I'm so scared it won't work," she worried. I moved my chair around to her side so I could place my arm around her.
"You just have to have hope and think positively. If you think negatively, it won't be fair on your brother. He needs all your support right now. So, for his sake, and your own of course, think happy thoughts and be there for him. Help him, support him and spend as much time as you can with him," I advised. Remedy nodded and smiled.
"You're right. I have to think happy thoughts." I gave her shoulder a squeeze and then checked my watch.

"Come on. We got five minutes left." We finished our coffee, grabbed our bags and headed back to the store.

I had worked a week at the store and I felt like I was doing great. There was one incident though where I could feel a breakdown coming and said I was feeling sick and had to go home. But others than that, I was doing ok. Remedy and I had gotten a lot closer and I finally had a girlfriend to hang out with, which made me really happy. I felt like I had made progress. From being down on my stomach to on my knees. I wasn't fully up on my feet but I was getting there. Or at least I hoped I was getting there.

Once Remedy and I got back to the store, she headed out back to unpack a new stock of books. I had been given a few extra tasks throughout the week. I now needed to unpack, restock and put misplaced books back where they belonged. I also had to help customers search for a book when they couldn't find the one they were looking for. I panicked when I was told that. That's exactly what I didn't want to do. But so far no one had to come up to me which was great.

I picked up three books that were left on the coffee table by the sofa and quickly read the titles and authors. I walked over to the classics section and placed one of the books back in the A column. The little bell rang as someone walked into the store. I didn't check to see who it was, I just continued to place the books back. But then someone tapped my shoulder and my heart started thumping. Here we go. Someone needs my help. Ok, just breathe Nevada.

"Yes? Can I help-" I stopped mid-sentence as I saw the person was.... Roman. What was he doing here?

"Hey," he mumbled as he scratched his jaw. He had some stubble as if he had just shaved.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled. Roman walked passed me and picked up a book from the B column of the classic section. He read the back of it as he talked.
"I saw you through the window as I was walking past. I thought I'd come say hello. You work here?" he questioned as he placed the book back in its place. I nodded. He pursed his lips and his eyes searched the store.

"Did you just start?"

"Yeah, a week ago," I replied.

The conversation was mainly small talk. Neither of us really knew what to say. I guess we're both anti-social people. I showed him around the store and introduced him to Remedy, who wiggled her eyebrows as Roman turned his back.

"He's hot!" she mouthed and pointed at him. I giggled and shook my head at her. She was getting ahead of herself.
"So Nevada... can I ask you something?" he enquired. I motioned my hands in a 'go on' way and he grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty aisle. He was acting strangely. He seemed nervous and anxious.
"Are you okay Roman? You seem on edge," I commented.
"Yes. Yes, I'm fine. I just wanted, I wanted to ask if you'd maybe, eh, well..." he was dragging it out, obviously afraid to ask me this question. I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and asked "Would you maybe like to go on a date? With me? Like dinner? A dinner date?" I was surprised. No one had asked me out on a date in ages. I didn't think anyone ever wanted to go out with me.

Roman opened his eyes and looked disappointed, clearly because I hadn't replied. I was just standing there in shock. Fuck, I needed to say something. But my heart was pounding too much and my palms were becoming sweaty and I was anxious.

"Sorry I asked. I'll, um, I'll go now," he murmured. I panicked and grabbed his arm.
"Wait! I mean, sorry," I dropped his arm and folded my hands. "I mean yes, I would love to go on a date with you. Dinner. A dinner date," I stated. Romans eyes lit up and he grinned.

"Really!?" I nodded and smiled at him. He turned around and hugged me and I laughed softly at him. He was adorable.
"How about this Saturday? I'll pick you up at 6?"
"Perfect," I replied. He nodded his head in delight and waved goodbye as he left the store.

Remedy strolled up to me and casually slung her arm over my shoulder.
"Mhmm, so my girl's going on a date with that hottie then?" I rolled my eyes and pushed her arm off.
"Yes, I am. This Saturday in fact," I told her. Remedy looked pleased and clapped her hands enthusiastically. I shushed her and giggled, feeling excited and happy too. Poppie came over to us and shakes her hands.
"Girls enough chit-chat. Back to work," she demanded and so we did. Remedy went back to unpacking the deliveries and I went and started restocking the books on the shelves.
The rest of the day I had a huge smile on my face. But in the pit of my stomach, I was dreading the date. My mind was telling me to be sensible and not get ahead of myself. To stay away. But my heart was telling me to go have fun and let myself enjoy this one thing. I couldn't decide which one to listen too. Maybe I shouldn't go. Maybe it'll be a disaster. Maybe he wasn't good for me. Maybe this was going to be a mistake that was going to destroy me. But I decided to go with my heart. I wasn't going to cancel the date.

But I was going to be careful.

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