Sunlight: Renesmee's Story-Chapter 4

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Chapter Four - Dinner

"Let me get that for you," Jacob said as he reached into the oven for me. He pulled out the steaks and set them on the stovetop. It was Sunday evening, and we were having dinner at Billy's house with he, Grandpa Charlie, and Grandma Sue. I had been cooking them dinner once a week for about a year now, and I seemed to be getting much better at it. At least no one tried to pile food into their napkins when they thought I wasn't looking anymore. Jacob had always been the one to put on a brave face and just eat whatever catastrophe I was serving that night - but then again, he ate raw meat on a regular basis so maybe he didn't think it was so bad.

My family had previously not been allowed in La push, but after so many years of fighting on the same side, they re-wrote their treaty to un ban all of us. My family was the only exception to the no vampire policy, though. Any others would immediately be ripped apart, as Jake had put it.

I glanced out of the tiny kitchen window. It was a beautiful August evening, the sun casting rays of gold and pink across the earth outside. There was no rain today - it was sunny, and even warm, not that the temperature ever bothered me. I was always warm, just like Jacob.

Mmmmm... Jacob. I smiled up at him.

"No one's here yet - do you want to go for a walk?" he asked. It was like he'd read my mind.

"Sure," I said, taking his hand in mine.

We walked lazily down First Beach. I had been here a million times, but it was still one of the most beautiful places I'd ever seen. Islands jutted out of the gray ocean, white waves rolling slowly from one cliff face to another. The sand was dark from the tide rolling over it again and again, pulling grains away with it's every movement, dragging them miles away to deposit them somewhere new. There were smooth flat stones of every color littering the ground where we walked. The sun would set soon, and it made the sky a million stunning shades of blue, gray, pink, gold and purple.

We stopped at a nice long driftwood tree and sat down, staring deeply into one another's eyes. I wrapped my arms around Jacob's neck, pulling myself as close as I could to him. He leaned down to place his warm lips on mine, picking me up in his arms slowly to place me in his lap.

We'd spent most of the last few days together trying very hard not to think about our new relationship when my father was around, and attempting to be alone so that we could think and kiss freely. Jacob had told me that my parents didn't care, that they always figured we would end up together, but that was not a conversation I was ready to have with them yet. They knew enough as it was - or Dad did at least, and I had no way of knowing how many of my thoughts he had shared with my mother. I could only control so much...

Jake and I jumped up as we heard someone approaching us. I spun around, half expecting to see my dad standing there looking angry - but it was only Seth.

"Hey guys!" he called out waving to us. "Sorry if I scared you!"

Jake and I laughed.

"What are you guys doing out here? I thought you were supposed to eat dinner with your family tonight."

"We are...they're just not back yet."

Seth laughed."So you decided to come make out on the beach while you waited?"

I giggled. He'd said we were making out.

"Naw, I'm just playing with you guys - you know how happy I am for you. And Jake's the happiest he's ever been!" he looked up at Jacob. "It's a good thing you never imprinted on -"

"We should get back now, Ness. I think I hear Charlie's car..." Jake shot Seth a disapproving look.

"Sure, sure," I laughed, imitating Jake. He grinned widely at me and then we loped back towards the house.

Sure enough, Charlie was helping Billy out of his car when we reached our destination.

"Grandpa!" I yelled as I ran over to hug him.

"Well, look at you Nessie!" he said as he carefully assessed me, probably making sure that I hadn't changed anymore since the last time I had seen him. I hadn't - I was as matured as I would ever be, for the rest of forever. The rapid growth thing probably used to freak him out.

"Prettiest thing I've ever seen!" he muttered as he led the way into the house. Charlie was such a proud Grandpa.

"Smells good, Ness. Steak tonight?" Billy asked as Jacob rolled him towards the kitchen while I followed close behind.

"Yeah... don't worry though - I made sure everything was completely done," I said, laughing at my poor cooking abilities.

I was uncharacteristically nervous tonight. I sat between Jake and Grandpa on Billy's short couch and said nothing while I pretended to watch the game on the television. I did not want to look at Jacob in case someone was watching.

Last week when we had all eaten together, Jacob and I were still just friends, and the only one making me feel awakward then was Jake. Now, I felt overcome with paranoia. I had no idea how everyone here would react if they knew Jacob and I were actually together. Would they be angry? I was, after all, only eight in human years, even if I did look like I was about seventeen or eightteen and had a fully capable adult mind. Did they all still see me as a child?

I decided that tonight was not the night to find out.

"Why don't you let me drive you home tonight, Nessie? I haven't gotten to see your mom in a few days," Charlie said when the game was finally over.

I glanced at Jake, who was smiling. he would be there tonight, sleeping out in the woods, probably before I was even home yet.

"Sure, Grandpa. Mom would love a visit."

Charlie drove slowly towards the house in silence. I liked this about him - that he didn't feel the need to always fill the space with meaningless small talk. It was nice to have things be calm and quiet sometimes.

He pulled through the Cullen's old driveway, past the dark house and onto the small private road that led him to our small cottage. Charlie was the one who had insisted on there being a new road that he could take all the way to our house. It wasn't quite as easy for him to walk the four miles out into the woods as it was for us, and Mom didn't like being at the big house much now that it was empty. He pulled up to the end of the road and turned the car off.

"Bella has something she wants to talk to you about, Ness," Charlie said with a grin on his face.

Oh crap. What could this be about? I sucked in a deep breath and marched up to my front door.

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Love Erin

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