Chapter Two

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Your mind was a mess as you began to wake up with your head throbbing with the remnants of a stabbing headache. You opened your eyes and began to recall your whereabouts as you focused on the light candle in front of you. The little flame was enchanting but you however were not at all but charmed by it. As you slowly came to your senses you became alert, making a quick attempted to sit up. You grunted as the headache enhanced causing you to falter but for only a slight moment. Waiting for the sting to fade you rubbed your forehead, and at last, the ache receded allowing you to finally stand.

"Ugh... What the hell happened...?" you said out loud to yourself. A brief sense of shock took over as you looked down to notice the pentagram you now stood in the center of, noting all the wax lights still burning. How long had he been unconscious? Ignoring the question, you looked for your axe, happy to find it leaning against one of the three coffins. You moaned softly in protest. If your really wanted your axe back you knew you had to go near the casket.

You were hesitant for several seconds before deciding to take the chance. You cautiously approached the coffin, ready to spring back and run off if it were to open. You quickly checked behind screaming internally as you realized that the door you had entered was no longer present. The wall was empty, with the exception of another inky message.


Not right now they weren't. It was more of a nightmare if anything. Figuring it best to just accept that you were now stuck, you refocused on collecting your axe. You reached out reluctantly, trembling slightly. The moment your hand grasped the axe you quickly yanked it away from the coffin, taking a few steps back. You patiently waited for something to happen, filled with relief when the coffin remained closed. You attention then turned to the other door you seen before you passed out, surprised to find it was now free of the boards that used to block it.

"I-I could have sworn that was boarded up before..." You questioned aloud as you proceeded to gently turn the handle. Carefully opening the door and inspected what was beyond through the small gap. Satisfied to see nothing of major threat, you entered the the newly found room, greeted with a short hall branching off into a larger room. Just like the previous hallway, the area was littered with candles, filling the room with a warm, yellow glow. It was quiet, and every step you took made you cringe, wary of the sound your shoes made when they hit the floorboards. You were alone, but you knew better than to trust the silence.

You then caught movement out from the corner of your eye making you jump and immediately hold the axe at the ready. To your embarrassment, the movement was your own reflection in a large wall mirror. You took a breath, steadying your heartbeat. You were shaking as you examined the rest of the room. To your right the wall donned more ink words.


If the previous messages didn't alarm you any, then this one currently did you in. It was cryptic, yet it was specific, and something about the way it was written indicated something sinister had happened here. Someone was lying, and whoever they were, they had power. You left that it was all pointing to your dad. The only thing that made you second guess yourself was the word "CREATOR". In all honesty, you always thought your dad was just the lead of the studio, but something told you that there was more to this then what you first thought.

You then pulled yourself away from your thoughts, finding it difficult to concentrate all of a sudden. You decided to investigate the other side of the room, finding yourself being drawn to a side area on the opposite wall. The back of it was just out of sight. You gripped the axe, assuring yourself of its presence before heading towards the little space. You heart sank as the back wall revealed itself, displaying another three coffins that of which also confused him greatly. You had guessed whom the previous caskets belonged to, but you couldn't even begin to speculate who these ones were meant to hold. Or were already holding. A sickening feeling fell over you like a wave at the thought of the coffins being full, and you quickly made the decision to leave them be.

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