Chapter Four

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You slowly regained your consciousness back and found yourself seated in a old wooden chair. You then soon became aware that you couldn't move and began to panic as you looked down to find yourself tied to the chair by a rope. You grunted as you jerked back and forth, the rope being pulled even more tightly around around your waist. you then heard a whistling from behind, and it began to move around you. A black, ink covered man waltzed in front of you, the eyes of his Bendy mask staring.

"There we go, all nice and tight," You dad exclaimed cheerfully, "We wouldn't want to run away now, would we?"

"Wh- Dad, wai-" You began but was cut off quickly.

"No, we wouldn't," He interrupted, "I admit, I am honored you came all the way down here to visit me (Y\N). It almost makes what I'm about to do seem cruel. But! I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, I must have him notice me."

"Dad, it's me!" panic was beginning to set itself up inside you as you were beginning to understand just what was going on, and you didn't like it.

"Yes, it is you, I see you", He said dismissively. Why are you voicing your presence? I know your there, I put you there.

"No, Dad listen! It's me! It's (Y\N)!"

Your dad stared stared for a moment, silent. He then flinched suddenly, "No..." he wheezed, "No, it can't be," he touched his mask in shock, then as if to prove to himself he was actually there, gingerly placed an inky hand on the side of your head. You were so close, so close that you could feel and hear him breathing through the gap in the mask's mouth, "It is... you," Your dad moved away, muttering things to himself. He paced slightly, frantically trying to figure out what to do with this new discovery. He then keeled over, and shouted in frustration. He grabbed the edge of his mask, stroking it. It was weird and upsetting sight to see. Your dad had clearly lost his mind.

"Dad pleas-" You tried to reach out to him verbally, but was shushed before you could even finish.

"Shhhhh quite! Listen!" He looked up excitedly, "Can you hear that?" You listened intently, unsure as to what you were supposed to be hearing. Then you knew; a thumping sound, as if something, or more, someone was walking. You were filled with fear. The Ink Demon. He was above them, and you dad knew it, "He's here, (Y\N)... I can hear him crawling above! Quickly, the time of sacrifice is at hand!" He then rushed over to you, grabbed your shoulders then your head, hardly able to contain his enthusiasm, "He will set us free..."

He then quickly deserted you, heading left and entering a side room, closing the door behind him. A pained roar resonated within your ears as the Ink Demon cried out. Your dad's voice once again crackled through speakers.

"Sheep sheep sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head; it's time for bed. In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning... You'll be dead."

You then began to struggle with the rope, wriggling desperately trying to loosen the bonds. Your dad then cried out through the speakers agian, beckoning the demon to appear

"Hear me Bendy! Arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering!"

A large doorway at the end of the room, directly in front of you, began to open. A black abyss slowly revealing itself from behind the sturdy door. You had to get out.

"I summon you Ink Demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep!"

His tone changed drastically in the next verse, and it sent shivers down your spine.

"What-No! My Lord, stay back! I am your prophet! I am your-" His speech was cut off by a bloodcurdling scream, and the noise was accompanied by a raspy cry. You then heard gurgling through the speakers, and looking over towards the door and saw ink leaking out from under the frame.

"Dad!" You called out, but could only gasp you was consumed by fear. You fought with the ropes, finally breaking free and immediately noticed your axe, swiping and heading on your way. Inky beasts appeared spastically from the floorboards, but ran past then with no intentions of killing. Bendy was on a rampage, and you knew that you were not safe around him. You then hacked through collapsed boards that blocked your path, eventually managing to escape your pursuers. The sudden quietness set you on edge. You descended down the hallway, jumping at every creak. Your road eventually came to a dip in the floor, which like the others you had seen, was filled to the brim with ink. The hall extended to your left, and cautiously began to move along with it. The ink erupted the moment you took a step, inky veins spilling out and covering the walls and floor. A giant black beast with a smile arose in the center. Bendy.

The demon roared and began to charge, and after your brain finally sent the message to your legs you bolted. In the shock, you dropped your axe in panic, and didnt risk turning back for it. Your life was on the line as the Ink Demon was hot on your heels, his giant clawed hands reaching out for you. His size couldn't quite fit entirely in the hallway, often running into walls, but it had no effect on his speed. You could hear him breathing, a raw and ragged wheeze. You rounded a corner, hearing Bendy collide with the wall as he too, took the turn. Your legs were beginning to tire, but you dared not slow down. You cried out as your foot caught on a loose board tripping you over. You then rolled onto your back, seeing the black figure of the Ink Demon practically on top of you. You braced yourself for the feeling of your body being slashed and torn, but instead felt the ripple of the impact Bendy's body made when it hit the floor. You eyes then snapped open as a deafening howl registered your ears and found Bendy grabbing at his chest with a clawed hand, desperate digging away at the axe that was half protruded. You then heard a low sinister growl behind you and looked back to see a A tall, black wolf wearing a white collared shirt and overalls. The hound then quickly motioned for you to follow.

You took this opportunity to run while Bendy quivered on all fours. You rushed down the hall with the hound as you two quickly approached the door at its end. An angered snarl indicated Bendy had recovered, and coupled with the volume of his footsteps, he was right behind you. The hound barged through the door with you on it's tail and slammed it behind with a loud Bang. You then locked the door and jammed it in place. The door then rattled and bent as the Ink Demon tried to smash through it, the grating sound of his claws reverberating in your ears. Soon the frustrated growls and attacks ceased, and you heard the demon slowly wander away, moaning.

You waited for several moments before allowing yourself to relax. Not that you really could, your heart was racing and your breathing irregular. Your entire body trembled, and it took a great deal of concentration to calm yourself down again as much as possible.

"You okay (Y\N)." The hound asked as it to breathed out heavily, sliding down the door. " Yeah thank you, but who are you.." The hound then stood up and offered you it's hand. " My name is Boris..".

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