Chapter Three

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Your travels eventually ended at what was labeled as your dad's office. The window was covered in soot, but you could make out what was inside. Sure enough, there was a switch in the back.

"So you've found my office(Y\N)?," Your dad's voice once again spooked you with the suddenness. "I wouldn't bother with the door, it's locked. And I don't have my keys," he informed. You looked towards the door, the floor in front of it flooded with ink. You then tried the door anyway, just incase. Your dad was right, it was locked, "and I know you don't have them either. Would you mind finding them for me? I recommend looking in all the trashcans. Wally was always losing them,"

"Who the heck is Wally and why on earth did he have your keys?" You asked. You assumed the task of locating Your dad's keys, feeling slightly silly looking in every rubbish bin you came across. You were heading back towards the sound departments lobby when you heard it again, the agonizing sound of a faint beastly cry drifted down the hallway, and you once again had a hunch of what caused it.

"Did you hear that?" Your dad asked over the announcement system, "The call?" Sammy's voice had a hint of excitement in it, but it wasn't the only emotion. Fear was also present, but it was not as powerful, "He calls for you." Your eyes widened as you heard the words. He's what!? "I can hear the beats of your heart (Y\N), Why do you run form him? Your only making it worse when you misbehave? I despise hearing our savior howls of pain," Your mind began to scatter. Was 'Bendy' my Dad's 'savior'? Things just got ten times weirder, "That cry... that was him, (Y\N). He has found your sent, he always does."

You swallowed, trying to process this new information. You dad was worshipping a living toon? A living toon that was now a monster? The Ink Demon? You were wishing you had ignored Your dad's letter. You knew something was wrong the minute you received it. Shaking your head, you quickly continued looking for the keys; it was the one thing that now made sense to you. Finally reached the lobby, but you went so happy to get there. You made a shout as a puddle of ink suddenly sprang to life, its ghastly black body looking almost human. It groaned and wheezed, dragging itself towards you with its hands. You blindly swung the axe, and watched as the blade collided with the creature's body. It chocked and hesitated, but it continued to try and attack you. The ink monster reached out, swiping its hands trying to hit you. You were having none of it, swinging the axe at it again, this time apparently defeating the beast. It collapsed and shrank up, disappearing into the floorboards.

"What the hell was that?!" You demanded more to yourself than anything, your breathing was ragged and heavy. This was not okay. Your heart skipped a beat when you heard another ink monster rise behind you, turning around to see it's gaping mouth dripping with ink. You attacked it just like the previous, and after two hits, the monster was gone. This sequence continued for another three ink creatures, each just as scary as the last. One even managed to snatch a hold of your ankle, making you topple over. It crawled on top of you almost as if it was trying to get into you mouth. A lucky wave of your axe was what removed the creature and ultimately killed it. You quickly stood up shaking holding your weapon in preparation for another attack. Nothing else popped up. You had defeated them all so far.

"This is really starting to become to insane..." You once again ran a hand through your hair, trying to calm yourself down before you resumed searching for your Dad's keys. You took a deep breath, returning to your regular order. You jumped at a creak, the sound coming from the door to the recording studio. You stood there and waited for several moments before moving towards it. Doubtful, you turned the handle... and opened the door. It was now apparently unlocked. You peeked inside, seeing the interior of the recording studio, the instruments appearing rather lonely. You stepped inside, taking a good look at the violin placed over two chairs. It had a thick blanket of dust over the top; they all did. None of them had been touched in a while, possibly even years.

You frowned. Surely the band wouldn't just leave their instruments behind, would they? Again the question of what exactly happened snaked its way into your mind, being shut out almost immediately. You would find out soon enough..

"He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings on me," Your dad's voice held an echo in the large room, making it sound eerier than it already did, "The figure of ink that shines in the darkness. I see you, my savior. I pray you hear me." You moved up against the wall, flattening yourself as best you could. Either your dad was just speaking for the sake of it, or he could actually see his supposed savior. After all, he could see you, "Those old songs, yes, I still sing them," He continued, "For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept into your final, loving embrace,"

"You've gone mad Dad, you've lost it," You whispered despite yourself.

"But, love requires sacrifice..." his words were sending chills down your spine, "and I have the perfect fit... Can I get an amen?"

'No', You thought. Not in this madhouse, nor outside of it. You stayed put for a while, just to be sure that the cost was clear. Your eyes were drawn to the little rubbish bin near a couple of stacked storage crates. Maybe his keys were in this one. Looking inside, you did indeed find a pair of small, golden keys. You examined them in your hand, trying to read the inscription on the largest of the two. The letters were a bit worn, but he could make out most of them.

'L... W... R... N... C... E'

They had to be his keys. You jingled them before shoving them in your pocket. You began to head towards the door when you heard a sound. Footsteps. They were rapid and light, almost frantic. They lasted only a second, but it wasn't the only sound. You also heard faint whispers. And they were coming from behind. Turning around you searched for the source, finding nothing but the old piano and empty space. There was a knock as something fell over above, and you looked up. In the little room next to the projection booth was a Bendy cutout. You stared for a moment, waiting for it to move. When it did not, you turned around, only to be stopped by another round of footsteps and whispers. You glanced at the cutout again... or more, 'cutouts'. There were now two cardboard demons in the room. A scowl formed on your face; you didn't want to play whatever game the cutouts were making. You turned on your heel and then back again, spotting another two grinning demons. That made four of them now.

"Come on Bendy, not now," You pleaded quietly, remaining with your sight fixed on the cutouts. You made yourself move towards the door, not daring to turn around. Your back came into contact with something flat, and knocked it over. Startled you turned around to see that you had backed into a Bendy cutout. You realized you had taken your eyes off the cutouts in the little room above, and swiveled around instantly. You stuttered as you saw that the cutouts had doubled, and there was now eight cardboard Bendys all crowed into the space. You whimpered quietly, deciding to make a run for it. You ran out the door, slamming it shut behind you and leaning against it, as if trying to stop something from getting out. To add to your terror, you once again began to hear the unholy howls of the Demon nearby.

"Did you find my keys, (Y\N)?" You flinched at the sound of your dad's voice through the announcement system, "You'll be able to access my office, and by extension, the switch to drain the ink from the stairwell," You were slightly thankful for him stating the original goal; it brought you back to refocusing on the task rather than the strange happenings that occurred just seconds ago. You calmed yourself before striding off down the hall towards your dad's office. After an encounter with a couple more ink monsters, you eventually reached your destination, slotting the key into the lock. The door swung open on its own, inviting you inside. Your dad's office was very small and tiny than it used to, It only had just enough room to fit a small desk and chair inside.

"Look at it... It's disgusting! The Ink Machine flooded the place regularly, trapping everyone down here. Joey's solution? An ink pump to drain it regularly. So now I've had to deal with that ugly switch in my office," You looked at the switch. He was right, it wasn't really nice to look at, "Pull it and your path will be cleared, (Y\N)."

You reluctantly grasped the lever, pushing it down. It locked into place, and a whirring sound picked up somewhere in the walls. The ink was being drained. You quickly exited the office, heading back towards the stairwell. However, you never made it there. Something cold and hard collided with the back of your head, knocking you onto the floor. You landed hard on your back, and began to see your vision clouding over. A tall, black figure in stained white overalls looked down at you, a worn Bendy mask hiding his face.

"Rest your head, it's time for bed." Your dad said whispering to you in a soft voice.

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