Chapter Nine

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You stopped on the spot as you began to realize that you could only hear one set of footsteps, and they were you own.

"Oh no...", panic began to build up inside you as you realized you wandered to far, "Nono Boris?!" You heavily cursed under your breath. This was the last thing you needed right now. You noticed another corpse, and you figured you'd collect it while you could.

"Damn it, damn it!" You chanted to yourself as you slowly extracted the ink, "DAMN IT!" you said again, finding the tool was now only half full. You still needed more. Your heart then skipped a beat, as the room suddenly got brighter, heavy footsteps accompanying the splashing of ink. You quickly whirled around on the spot, in time to see the deformed projectionist round the corner. His light fell on you, and it was too late for stealth. A high-pitched scream echoed in your ears as projectionist set his sights on you and gave chase. You fled the scene, well aware that your pursuer was hot on your heels. His heavy footsteps pound with the beating of your heart, and he didn't show any signs of slowing down. If anything, he was speeding up.

"No, no, BORIS!" You cried out, doubtful you'd be heard. Another dreadful squeal emitted from the monster, and a brief glance behind showed you that he was so close to catching you. The chords attached to projectos's back, his head and limbs apparently didn't affect his speed, and before you could even begin to question where the banshee scream came from, the projectionist grabbed hold of your shirt collar and threw you to the floor. The light blinded you as your attacker stared at you as he reached down to pick you up. He then slammed you against the wall with all his might. You tried to fend him off as you kicked and struggled. You foot eventually colliding with the projectionist's torso. He let go, recovering from the blow quickly and continued the chase.

You called out for Boris again, weaving in and out of the halls with the projectionist close behind. You skidded to a halt, almost slipping over in the ink as you came to a dead end. The projectionist slowed down, but continued to advance, his light obscuring everything in your sight. He was just a few feet away when he was suddenly barged to the side, Boris coming out of seemingly nowhere. The projectionist squealed again and Boris barked and growled back in response. A heavy brawl ensued, as they equaled each other in strength despite Boris being taller. He managed to grab hold of both of the projectionists arms, the duo engaged in a duel. The hound squinted in the light, but he held strong. The projectionists piecing screech hurt his ears, and the hound simply snarled in retaliation. You watched hopelessly as the two ink-beings tried to force each other to the ground, running through ways in which you could help.

"(Y\N)!" Boris shouted over the noise, "The projector! Turn it off!"

You studied the projector quickly, remembering how it was activated. You wasted no time in rushing around the back of the hostile creature, trying to find an opening in which you could deactivate the projector. There was a moment where the projectionist stood still and you took the chance, launching yourself onto his back, securing your grip using the projector. He administered a high shriek in protest, attempting the shake you off as Boris refused to let his arms go.

"Anytime now (Y\N)!"

"I'm getting there! Got it!"

You found the power, and flicked it off, the light disappearing in an instant with a click. The projectionist ceased to fight, and his screeching stopped. He then went limp as Boris took all his weight. Gradually, Boris eased the projector down to the floor as he took a few steps away. It went silent, the only sound being yours and Boris's breathing and the ink being disturbed at their feet. You were hurting. You flinched at the sound of splashing ink as Boris moved closer to you.

"Are you ok (Y\N)? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to leave you back there."

Without saying anything you looked towards Boris and gave him a hug, glad to be in his presence once more.

Before either of you two could say anything more, the two of you heard yet another howl echo though the workshop. If Bendy hadn't already returned to his ink form, he certainly would have now.

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