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my name is Dasiy Paul i am 17 and currently getting ready to go to the airport. Im going to go live with my brothers in LA. You guys might now then right, there famous, they have a youtube channel, there names are Logan and Jake Paul. Yes i know they are my brothers😂

As i finished getting ready my alarm gose on to leave as my uber gets here. As i go in the car my best friend Sam calls me. we are very close like i mean very close, we have been friends since kindergrade thats like 12 years of being friends💞.

~the conovo~

MA BISH😂👅💙- "Hey girl, wat you doing?"

me- "im on my way to the airport how bout you"

MA BISH😂👅💙- "well im going to hang up now so i can go cry in my room, cuz baby girl im gonna miss you😭(fake crying)"(btw guys sam is a girl)

me- "aweee ill mis you too baby girl:( ill call u when ive landed k"


me- " okay bye love you girl❤"

Here we go, on to the plane to Los Angels😧

hey guys its the auther:)!! i hope you guys really liked the first chapter! im so so so sorry about the publish i didnt mean to post the book the first time it did(if you guys are new them never mind) please comment some ideas cuz i dont know wat to wright next:(!. well thats all hope you guys like and dont forget to comment some ideas!!!

i might post the second chapter tommorow cuz it already night time where i live:)

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