Im just like anyother girl that lives in LA, except i have two brothers that are famous, you guys might know them. Their names are Logan Paul, and Jake Paul. Yup there my brothers.....
i wake up to screaming, i get up and see jack next to me in the bed. i get phone and check the time, its 11:32am. i heard someone yelling down stairs so i get out of bed trying not wake jack up and go down stairs.
i go down stairs to where the yelling is, i dont see anyone in the living room so i go to the kitchen. i see logan on the phone, he was talking to our dad, you might now hom as Greg Paul or Vlog Dad:) as soon as logan sees me he hangs up. "how long have you been standing there for?!" he says "not long" i say "did you hear anything about what me and dad where talking about?" "no but why where you screaming at him you never scream at him inless its about me or you got a girl pregnant" i say laughing at the last part. "well i didnt get a girl pregnant" he says also with a laugh "so its about me?" i say "yes, daisy why didnt you tell me your pregnant?" he says in a calm voice, surprising, i thought he was going to be mad but no his not! " look logan i didnt tell you because i was scared" i say "i was scared you didnt want me to live if you, i thought you where going to do the samething as what mom and dad did" i say starting to cry " im so so sorry i didnt tell you" at this point im sobbing "dasiy dont cry" logan says "daisy you dont have to be scared in telling me you have a child in you" "i might look scary but i would never every tell you to leave, even if you didnt tell me you where pregnant" he says "thanks log" i say still crying "your not mad that im pregnant" i say kinda scared " no im not, i mean im sad that you didnt tell me but im not mad at all because i get to be an uncle!" he says with exsiment. as he says the last part jack and jonah are there with there mouth open. i looked at logan kinda nerves "how long have you guys been there for" logan ask "we've been here for only 2 mins" jonah says "what did uou guys here?" i ask "that logan is going to be an uncle" jack says. at that point i see a frown on his face. "me and jonah will let you guys talk" logan says while looking at jonah. logan and jonah leave the kitchen and only leaves me and jack alone. "jack in sorry i didnt tell you its just i was scared i didnt even tell logan my dad did" i say "daisy why, why didnt you tell me you are pregnant, look i like you, no i love you" jack says. "j-j-jack" "im sorry daisy it was to soon we are not even dating" he says looking down. " you probly have boyfriend anyways cuz well your pregnant" "jack, i dont have a boyfriend" "w-what are you talking about?" "look when i told my boyfriend i was pregnant he dumped me, he said he never really liked me he was only using me for fame and money a-and" i say crying "a-a-and as a sex object" i say kinda whispering. after i said the last part jack pulls me into a hug "daisy ana paul, will you be my girlfriend" jack says as we pull away from the hug "jack" i say "look i know i should say dont worry daisy your fine now or you desrve better but i could'nt, i just want you to be mine and only mi-" i cut jack off "jack i will love to be you girlfriend!" i say " w-w-wait r-really" "yes i will" i say "omg" he say as he picks me up and spins us around.
for months pasted by .....
today is jack and i four month annirvesy. i had called jack earlyer today and he said he was taking me out to a date. i had told where so i know what to wear but he didnt tell me all he told me is to dress casual, that i dont have to put a dress on. good thing i dont have to where a dress cuz you know your girl dont like dresses anywho, this is what im wearing for your date : A/N:rememeber dasiys pregnant so thats why in that picture the girl is pregnamt:)
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and these shoes:
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