Im just like anyother girl that lives in LA, except i have two brothers that are famous, you guys might know them. Their names are Logan Paul, and Jake Paul. Yup there my brothers.....
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Jackavery : Zach Paul Avery !😍💕💕
👤likes: 1.2k 💭Comments: 153k
Paul.Avery.loves: OMFG !!!! IM LIKE DYING RN IS THIS REALLLLL!!!! DID JACK AVERY AND DAISY PAUL HAVE FUCKEN SEX AND AND HAD A FUCKEN ANGEL !!!!! @ Jackavery replyed back : haha indeed we did😂 @ Paul.Avery.loves
User5: hahaha omg im dying jack replyed ^😂😂 anyways omg lil baby Zach is so cutee💞 maybe a bit cuter than @ Zachherron😂😂
Zachherron : Ouch @ User5 😂😂
Hater32: like i said on daiys post just as ugly as the parents😂