baby shower? What!?

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jack calls me and tells me he will pick me up at 2pm. right now its 12pm so i should start getting ready. you guys already now what im wearing but im going to show you any ways!
this is the oufit with the shoes:
A/N: rememeber shes pregnant thats why u see a belly in that pic!:)

 you guys already now what im wearing but im going to show you any ways! this is the oufit with the shoes:A/N: rememeber shes pregnant thats why u see a belly in that pic!:)

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cute right!by the time i finshed getting ready i decided to call jack to see if he was on his way

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cute right!
by the time i finshed getting ready i decided to call jack to see if he was on his way.

jacks POV

alright i told dasiy i was going to take her out today because its our four month anniversary and she is four months pregnant. two weeks ago daisy and me went to the doctors to find out the gender of the baby, i didnt want daisy to know because i wanted to throw her a suprise baby shower!(even tho its not my baby) so i called the doctor so he can call daisy to tell her that she is not finding out the gender. i had gone with daisy for her check up. the doctor told me separate about the gender. its going to be a boy, YES!!(ik its not my baby but his mother is my baby(:,) . when i found out i had called daniel to start buying stuff for the shower. after those two weeks of strees we are now here where im going to pick daisy up and take her to the party! im nervous but excited. as o call daisy to tell her im here she calls
the convo:

babygirl😍❤: hey babe where are you?

me: im outside

babygirl😍❤: okay im going

dasiy POV

i called jack and he told me he was outside waiting for me! im really excited to see where he takes me or what he had planed!! i got to the car and kissed jack in the check     " hey baby" i say putting on my seat belt on
"hey" jack says "where are we going?" i say "well its a suprise so i cant tell you yet" "awee man okay" i say kinda sad. after a 15 min ride we got to our destination. jack told me to cover my eyes with a blind fold he had given me, i put it on just as he told me too:)

jacks POV

we got to the baby shower. i told daisy to put on a blind fold and as she did i got out of the call to call daniel to get every one ready and to get daisy. "babe please dont let me fall i dont want to hurt the baby" she say "dont worry baby i wont let you fall" i say with a small chuckle. we walk for a bit till where the door is to the baby shower. i take the blindfold of daisy and everyone shouts "suprise!!!"

this is how the baby shower looks like

dasiys POB

when hear jack opening the door i told him "babe please dont let me fall, i dont want to hert the baby" "dont worry baby i wont let you fall" he say. wow how did i get so danm luck to have a man like him😍. we walked for a little bit, when we got to the place jack told me to take the blindfold off, so i did.
"SUPRISE" i hear everyone say. "OMG  jack thank you so mich!!!" i say almost crying. "awe baby dont cry" jack says with a small chuckle.

i said hi to every one who came and thanked them for coming!

two hours past,

jacks POV:

"okay so no one in this room nows the baby gender but me and daniel" i say "babe come here so you can find out the gender" i say excited. daisy come over where i am and whispers something to me. "babe how do you know the gender, its not even ur baby" she says happu "i know im not the dad but the baby dosent need to know, oh amd i got my ways" i say winking at the last part. i told daisy to open ot but she said she is not doing by her self, she wants me to open it with her, so we did.

A/N: this is wat it looked when they opened the box

A/N: this is wat it looked when they opened the box

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daisya POV:

jack and i opened the box and suprise it was a BOY!!!!
i hugged jack when i saw that the balloons said boy!! "we are having a boy babe" i say with happyness "babe its not my baby tho" he says with a frown, "i dont care if its urs or not, too me his yours besides he wont now about his real dad" i say trying to bring him up. "baby bu-" he says but i cut him off "no buts, this baby is now your okay" "okay" he says happy. "i love you dasiy" "w-w-what" i say in shock because it was the first time he every said that "you heard me, dasiy ana paul, i love you with all my heart" he says as hes goes in for a kiss. " i love you too jack robert avery" i say kissing back.

A/N hey guys hope.u guys liked this chapter!! so its wensday guys i leave today to mexico!:( im not going in plane so i can still write a few more chapters before i get to.mexic9!:)))

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