Im just like anyother girl that lives in LA, except i have two brothers that are famous, you guys might know them. Their names are Logan Paul, and Jake Paul. Yup there my brothers.....
its been three weeks since the babyshower jack did for me! i was so happy and thankful for everythimg jack has done for me. i had told jack that he is the dad of my baby. i know he really isnt but i want him too, i want jack to adopt my baby before he gets here. i want jack to be my babys dad. i want jack to be part of my life forever.
skip to where daisy is almost having her baby! im just lazy af to wright sooo yeaa
four months past by
so its June and my baby is almost here!! yaayyyyyy! the doctor said i'm giving birth in a couple of weeks from today, today is june 3. i so indeed think i'm going to give birth now because i'm getting these really and i mean really back cramps, like i feel my baby is going to just pop out. Gladly we got a nures so she can take care of me. Jack and i moved in together last month. In those couple of weeks him being here he helped me make a baby room for my baby!
The babys baby room
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