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Chapter 5

The boy thrashed around vigorously, trying to shake the black mamba off. But it was no use. It was way to strong for him.

Assaggi ran to him at full speed and grabbed the neck of the snake. Sinking her claws deep into its skin. Blood already escaping the claw marks.

She used one hand to grab the stomach part of the snake. The other still gripping its throat. Assaggi ripped the snake away from the boy's body. The boy was safe, but now the snake attacked her instead.

Collapsing on the ground with the snake on her. Assaggi didn't scream or shout. She just battled the snake with no problem. "Don't try and attack. None of them need this. What's your name?" Assaggi said in snake.

The snake stopped attacking to look at her. It's black eyes actually widening when it must of recognized her. "Oba." it replies to her. Assaggi nods and slowly let's go of Oba. He didn't attack her when she did.

"Why are you attacking this boy? He hasn't done anything." Assaggi spoke. She looks at the boy and saw how handsome he was. He was being nursed by a few other of his kind. Looking back at Oba, she waited for his reply. "He was taking my food so I wanted to repay him." Oba replied with a low hiss.

Glaring at Oba, Assaggi grabbed her spear and aimed it directly at his face. Oba shot back and hissed angrily. "He didn't know, you were deep in the grass so he didn't see you. Now go." Assaggi spoke with power. The look in her eyes showed she wasn't going to play around.

Oba just turned around and slivered away. The rumbling of his hiss made Assaggi growl. She turns around and walks up to the wounded boy. "Are you alright?" Assaggi asked when she saw the vicious bites on his arm. She saw some teeth sticking out of the teeth marks.

Not waiting for an answer, Assaggi grabbed his arm and used her long, sharp nails to pick the snake teeth out. "Ow!" the boy cried. He tried to take his arm out of my grasp. But Assaggi was stronger than him. She held a firm grasp on his arm. Ignoring his cries of pain and continued to pick the teeth out.

"What's your name?" Assaggi asks the boy. She sees the skin around the bite was swelling. "Nile." he said with a cry when Assaggi yanked another tooth out of his wound. "Well Nile, I'm going to have to suck the poison out of your bite." Assaggi suddenly said.

Before he could say anything Assaggi put her hands at his mouth. She began to drink the poison out. Blood entered her mouth and it made her mouth water. Quickly, she spit the poison-filled blood on the ground. Beginning to suck the poison out of his wound again.

Having sucked poison out before, she knew what to do. Assaggi finishes sucking the poison out after about five minutes. She licks her blood covered mouth. Grabbing a piece of Nile's fabric. She rips a long shred of it and wraps it around his bite. Covering it up from infection.

"There, you should be alright. You may feel a little sick for awhile." Assaggi says as she stood up. Helping Nile up on his feet. Then she noticed the entire village swarmed around them.

"Thank you for saving me." Nile said as he rubs his bruised arm.

A smile came to Assaggi's scar covered face. The scars that she made herself to show she was like a tiger made her look both scary and beautiful. "It's not a problem, I love helping creatures." Assaggi said. Nile blushed brightly when she said that.

"Nile!" screamed five voices.

Turning around to look at who spoke. Assaggi saw three girls and one boy attacked Nile. They had their arms wrapped around him in a hug. An older woman was beside them with tears in her eyes. Assaggi could see that they were his family.

Deciding that she had staid long enough. She turns around and began to leave the way she came from. "Wait-Where are you going?" Nile's voice called out. Spinning her head around to look at him. Assaggi realized how handsome he really was.

He had a scar that ran down his left cheek. His eyes were the color of a crystal clear river. The color of his skin was a dark tan color. Nile's hair was a sandy hair that was in a tied with a small vine. Somehow he reminded Assaggi of Tau in a way.

"I'm heading home. I've staid my welcome enough." Assaggi said with a wave of her arm. She throws her spear over her shoulder and gave him a smile. "But you saved my life and you just decide to leave?" Nile asked confused.

One of his three sisters ran toward Assaggi. She wrapped her arms around Assaggi's waist. Giving her a big, loving hug. The sudden hug made Assaggi froze in place like a petrified cub. "Thank you for saving my brother." the little girl said.

Assaggi felt her heart warm up. The only time she was ever embraced was from her parents. She smiles down at the girl and hugged her back. "I was happy too."

She looks at Nile and saw him smile. He gets out of his small group of huggers. Walking up to Assaggi. "I'll never repay the debt for you saving me." Nile said with a sad look. "You don't need to repay any debt for me. I grew up in the wild so I love protecting." Assaggi said with a shrug.

A sudden roar echoed through the fields. Everyone spun around toward the Big Rock in the distance.

Sighing, Assaggi dropped her head. Ekon was very anxious and calling for her. "That's my father calling me." she said with a laugh. Nile's jaw dropped when he heard her. "Your father is a lion?!" Nile asked shocked. Assaggi laughed loudly and nodded.

"Yes, Ekon is my father. A very noble lion." Assaggi said proudly.

She turns around and began to walk out of the village. Heading toward the Big Rock.

"W-Wait! What's your name!?"

A smile came to her lips. Turning her head around to look at Nile. "Assaggi." was all she said before running off.

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